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Friday, April 10, 2015

Did You Know 30% Of Federal Workers Are Eligible To Retire By 2017

One has to wonder, will even more people leave the Eastern Shore to seek awesome paying jobs in the D.C. area?


  1. Hell, leave the Shore and earn more is how it is. Good ol boys don't want to change a thing.

  2. Crazy not to leave, 'cause there's nothing here to compare.

  3. Except the federal hiring process is impossible to navigate. You have better odds if you play the lottery.

  4. I would like to remain here since this is where I own a home, but somebody please help me, am I right or wrong to think this way. Sometimes it seems like this place is a real dead end, however, in trying to live a simple life, it isn't so simple today. Or is it only bad here? I sure don't want to go from the frying pan to the fire.

  5. Hell they have been retired before they retire!

  6. It is likely some of them will bring their awesome retirements here to the shore where they will spend them and add to our economy while doing good works by donating their time and in some cases dollars to helping others. We have many retired seniors like that here already.

  7. As a 20-something government worker, I can't wait to bounce across the bridge for double the pay and a much better work environment!

  8. 2:11-If you are a young person,and by young I mean 45 or less,and without family in the area moving would be a good option.Sussex County would be a good place to start looking.That would keep you close to work presumably.

  9. And they shouldn't be replaced when after they retire

  10. That's 30% of the government payroll that we can do with out. Just don't fill those jobs and save us lots of money to use for other things. It means that the government employees left on the job will have to pull their weight now.

  11. I already did leave. I work 4, 10 hour shifts in DC and make 3 times what I would make here. I commute with a coworker, and live here.

  12. Let them retire without replacement. Less taxes for all.


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