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Monday, April 20, 2015

CNN report shows the truth behind races killed by police


  1. There goes the blacks are killed by Leos. Looks like they kill everyone.

  2. yea The TRUTH ..so don't be falling for this thug racial crap it's obvious and Our msm is trying to create hostility and conflict. Along with silence from Obama and the Justice Department they are hell bent on destroying the country from within. Thugs rule?? ...NOT IN MY COUNTRY

  3. just like I've been saying... take this white privilege crap to the ghetto where black Lives should matter!!!

  4. OHHH so why aint us white folk ,Looting .Rioting,
    Because we are not DRAMA QUEENS and Mr/MRS Handout.

  5. So it looks like the leader could be anybody but asians?

    And 6:13 - there are 6x more whites than blacks in the US. Disregarding the "unreported" number, it would be like comparing 1300 blacks killed vs 400 whites.

  6. It's the media that gets everyone in an uproar turning against each other.

  7. 6:36PM,
    6:13PM was right about one thing thought.., it looks like they kill everyone.

  8. These stats are only for those charged and convicted of killing AA.
    Just like the lcal LE officers amend the stats these are also. . .


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