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Monday, April 27, 2015

Christian Printer Who Was Punished By the Gov’t for Refusing to Print Gay Pride T-Shirts Just Scored a Major Victory

A Christian printer who was previously found guilty of discrimination for refusing to print T-shirts for a gay pride parade won big on Monday after a court ruled that he can decline to print messages that run in opposition to his religious views.

The Fayette County Circuit Court’s ruling overturned a previous decision by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission, finding that Blaine Adamson, owner of Hands On Originals, a printing company in Lexington, Kentucky, was within his rights when he declined to make shirts for the Lexington Pride Parade, according to a press release from Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative legal firm.

The court found that Adamson did not violate the law in citing his religious convictions as the reason for the refusal, and that his decision was based on his personal freedom not to be forced or coerced to print messages that contradict his views.



  1. And how much did it cost him to assert his rights???

  2. we need to make sure all the freaks are comfortable, they need love and support and condoms and a psycho analysis

  3. 7:28PM,
    You are so, so right.
    Our judicial system is a travesty from the Supreme Court all the way down.
    Cassius Clay had it right all along, "The law is how much money you got., and I gotta lot".

  4. Thank GOD! And I have the right to say that! Screw a bunch of fallot liberals. I own a business, and applaud these constitutionally wise decisions!


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