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Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Parents were shocked when they found Islamic teachings in their children’s homework. Going much further than just teaching about Islam, they were teaching children tenets of Islam as though it was fact!

This school mandates that seventh-graders learn the tenets of Islam, study the important figures of the faith, wear a robe, adopt a Muslim name and stage their own jihad. Adding to this apparent hypocrisy, reports ANS, students must memorize many verses in the Koran, are taught to pray “in the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful” and are instructed face Mecca and chant, “Praise to Allah, Lord of Creation.”

“We could never teach Christianity like this,” one outraged parent said.

The textbook used for the Islamic course, “Across The Centuries,” is published by Houghton-Mifflin and has been adopted by the California school system. In it, Islam is presented broadly in a completely positive manner, whereas the limited references to Christianity are “shown in a negative light, with events such as the Inquisition, and the Salem witch hunts highlighted in bold, black type.” The portrayal of Islam leaves out word of “the wars, massacres, cruelties against Christians and other non-Muslims that Islam has consistently perpetrated over the centuries.”

What if the school required children to memorize Bible verses and pray to Jesus? Atheists would be up in arms!



  1. This is very, very disturbing to me as an American born and raised in a country founded on Christian principles but with acceptance of all faiths. All through school someones faith was of no matter and it seemed to me that all races got along fine with some tense moments during desegregation with most of that from the adults and not the kids I grew up with!

  2. well what part of islam being of satan do you not understand. the bible is very clear on this one. You are either a christian or not. Can't be a little of one or the other.

  3. They probably figure that the kids are already Christian and should know that faith, so they are "broadening their horizons" and teaching them other religions. Hopefully they would also teach Judaism, Buddhism, and Atheism (just to be all-inclusive). Never hurts to be educated, just so they aren't trying to convert anyone.

  4. 6:35 sounds good but isn't that a violate of church and state? Teaching religion ? They need to teach them some damn reading, writing, and math so we can stop the dumbing down of our students. I have never seen such dumb children in my 65 years. Oh they can text the hell out of a phone but most don't have a clue about the real world.

  5. As an atheist I do find this a lot disturbing. I think it would fall under a violation of the establishment clause as it is understood. You know, Christians, for all of your constant trying to shoehorn your religiosity into the school system you should really be blaming yourselves.

    Either we have religion, of any kind, or we don't have any in public schools.

    Myself, I would support a religious studies course in public schools. It would teach the foundations of religions all around the world, the cultures associated with those religions, and the histories of them. I think too many children don't have anything to compare what they are being taught at home against. It would make them better citizens and more educated on religion in general. I don't think we would ever see anything like this because too many Christians would be worried about their careful indoctrination of their children being ruined. Sort of in ignorance is bliss thing.

    I think the story is a shining example of why the establishment clause is so important. For years I've heard Christians rail about God being taken out of schools, which hasn't happened Christians are just no longer allowed to force their religion upon other people. You see, Christians are all about religion in school as long as it is there particular brand and only their particular brand of religiosity. As soon as it's a different religion, they get all bent out of shape.

    For once I wish that at least one Christian had the integrity enough to be honest about it and just say they really don't care about religious freedom they just want a theocracy of their particular brand.

  6. Ruaumoko, the god of earthquakes, will fix California.

  7. Islam is a throw back religion that never should have made it out of the middle ages. I say we finish what they started.

  8. We, as a nation, are getting what we asked for. Islam is satan. We are rolling out the red carpet for sin and evil.

  9. 7:43 As a fellow atheist, I completely agree.

    I've explained to many Christians over the years, that demanding religious influence and teaching in schools, is practically suicidal. Once the Islamics reach critical mass, they'll have the numbers to take political control, from local school boards to steering committees to administration of the town or city itself. And they are only fooling themselves, if they think Islam has any room for the kind of freedom we have shown them. Islam is a zero-tolerance religion, period, and it must be stopped.

    Christians need to step up and support the complete separation of church and state, because any opening Islam gets, it will thrust its tentacles in and rip us apart from within. If they think "God" should be taught in public schools, then that throws the door widen open for a curriculum teaching "allah".

    Just say no to ANY religion in public schools. If you must inflict religion on your kids, do so at home. Teach them the common values and morals of your beliefs at home. But don't let s vile cult like Islam get a toehold.

    Christianity is more or less based on being a nice person so you will ge to heaven when you die. Islam is based on killing those nice people.

  10. 7:43 Why in the world would I want my children taught about any other religions in the public school system? They will be force fed lies. " Better citizens" and "more educated" from learning in public schools...you've got to be kidding.

  11. @1:43

    The classes would not be like Sunday school or church. They would not be taught by a religious leader for the purposes of indoctrination. They would be classes were you learned about the world's religions, current and historical.

    Learning about them is not learning lies. It is learning to understand the world better.

    As an atheist I could say that all religions and their teaching are lies, however that would be not only oversimplification but a gross misrepresentation of what they are. I think if there was more understanding of the differences between us there wouldn't be so much confusion and hatred between us. I was raised as a Christian and for years all I knew about other religions or atheists was what I was told by other Christians. Imagine my surprise when I actually started doing my own research and studying philosophy, ethics, and religions.

    There is a reason it is common among differing religions to paint any other beliefs as heresy or label them as infidels and evil or of whatever version of their Satan they have. I understand, it's a self-preservation thing. However if the only place people are learning about other religions is from their own religious leaders then odds are they will be horribly misinformed.


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