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Monday, April 27, 2015


Go to Fox News and watch what's going on in Baltimore. It's really bad.


  1. cnn has better coverage

  2. Useless scum thugs.

  3. I have watched some of the crap going on in Baltimore. I looks bad for the Police in this matter but am waiting for the report to come out before I make a judgement. So far, the administration seems to have been forward with the public. Saw a lot of people jumping on and damaging police cars, buildings and people. I am getting sick and tired of this crap. I wish there was a way to just throw all of them in jail for 30 days. Maybe then they will think twice before hurting and damaging other peoples property. Absolutely stupid. The police need to grow a pair and nip this crap in the bud quickly before someone gets killed

    1. Yeah. 30 days will teach em a lesson.

      Thats funny.

  4. Just a bunch of lawless pigs who look for any excuse to pillage, rape, and riot. This is a rerun of the riots in 1968 that took place there that is still not taught in schools.

  5. The police need to grow a pair and nip this crap in the bud quickly before someone gets killed

    April 27, 2015 at 4:38 PM

    the police is what started all this 'crap'

  6. What a horrific situation. The police have bumbled this from the very beginning. If the police had established and information time line and explained why this thug died in a police van, this would not have happened.

  7. Throw them off of welfare and any other freebies they are getting is the first thing I would do. They wouldn't be out there rioting if they were working.

  8. Open fire on them, watch how fast they scurry back into their holes!

  9. The police are tired of being the punching bags and accused of causing this and have decided to stand down. You want protection but you don't want them to do their job. How does that work??

  10. joe as per hogan national guard on stand by.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The police are tired of being the punching bags and accused of causing this and have decided to stand down. You want protection but you don't want them to do their job. How does that work??

    April 27, 2015 at 5:42 PM

    lol yeah right. the poor, poor police.

    what they get a taste of what they have been dealing and can't take it?

  12. This is all a liberal tactic to disarm the police nationwide and create anarchy to ruin this country...believe it!!!

  13. "This is all a liberal tactic to disarm the police nationwide and create anarchy to ruin this country...believe it!!!"

    Thank you, 11:37! Glad to see that someone can see thru the fog. This is just a continuation of what they have done to our military, our borders, our legal system, our schools and universities, our financial system, our churches, etc.


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