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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Rand Paul announces presidential bid

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul uses his website to announce 'I am running for president.' Paul will speak about his candidacy at an appearance in Louisville later today.


  1. I like him better than Bush or Christie!

    Paul and Cruz are the right side of politics...they may go far in the primaries - but can they pull the moderates to the right of center?!

  2. He has no chance, I am afraid. Good running though

  3. 1:38 you are wrong. He does have a real chance. Americans are really tired of just having the same type of candidates to choose from. Paul represents real change. How sad for america would it be to have another Bush/Clinton election.

  4. I agree Cruz and Paul...

  5. The only way to get Paul in the white house is to get out and vote. If you want to get this country back we need a big change. Get the Bush, Clinton out of the running.

  6. Say what you will about Rand Paul, but the man has principals, and if you don't like them, he can change!


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