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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Because CVS Believes


  1. Jesus was known to turn water into wine; some of us just prefer beer instead.

  2. So the parents can drink beer while the kids are hunting for Easter eggs!

  3. they don't sell cigarettes anymore but they sell beer. That makes alot of sense

    1. I was just thinking that. Lmao

  4. cVS is evil..you see the ceo at the last presidential speech

  5. I know isn't that something 4:27. Alcohol has killed more people than cigarette ever will. Alcohol has made life hell for a lot of families and children in this country but oh so self righteous, holier than thou CVS still sells it.

    1. Jesus and the Apostles drank alcohol pretty much every day of their adult life. If it was good enough for Him, its good enough for me. And CVS.

  6. If u had to have Easter dinner with my relatives you'd need beer too.

  7. You can drink beer and alcohol, in reasonable moderation, with no negvative and possible positive health effects. A single cigarette is unhealthy for u and everyone around u.

  8. CVS in Tennessee sells hard liquor as well as beer.

    They also have their own in-house brand of mead (honey wine). Fact.

  9. Just think of it as liquid granola...

    And enjoy!

  10. 11:16 Tell that to the any number of children who are physically beaten some to within inches of their lives who will not ever able to function normally ever again. Tell that to a baby that was shaken so hard their brain banged over and over and over on either side of their heads until it turned to mush and the child died. Tell that to the little child cowering because a drunken parent is in a rage and calling the child every conceivable horrible name you can think of. I can go on and on but the fact remains that in approximately 80% of serious (death or permanent injury) child abuse cases alcohol was involved.
    I'm not saying that either one is good/bad, in moderation etc but only that the no cigarette policy by CVS is an empty gesture when you continue to sell the biggest killer of people ever and a lot of those killed were completely innocent.

  11. 12:01
    They didn't do it to get drunk. They did it because clean drinking water was not always available like it is now.


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