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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Baltimore's Rawlings-Blake Named One of World's Best-Dressed Mayors

Vanity Fair magazine has included Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake on its list of the 10 best-dressed mayors in the world.

Vanity Fair magazine – chronicler of what is fashionable, trendy and hot among urban movers and shakers – included Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake in its recent list of the top 10 best-dressed mayors in the world.

“Baltimore’s chief bureaucrat looks so on point for every occasion that she should write a style guide for the modern woman in politics,” Vanity Fair raves of the mayor. “Tasteful but feminine dress for a corporate party? Check. Skinny jeans and heels (yes, heels!) at her city’s Pride Parade? Check. Well-tailored jackets and a hairdo that’s far from dowdy? Check, and check.”

Rawlings-Blake told The Baltimore Sun – which has noted her perfect makeup, along with bold jewelry choices when she appears on the Sunday talk shows -- she appreciated the honor since she’s a fashion bargain hunter.

"I take a lot of pride in my appearance as a representative of the city of Baltimore, a city with world-class fashion talent and a rich cultural history,” the mayor told the Sun. “And as a serious bargain hunter 'frugalista,' I'm always looking for new ways to step up my game."



  1. She should have 'stepped up her game' when it came to Baltimore, maybe, just maybe, all the destruction would not have happened.

  2. Wears proper attire check. Properly governs city, uh, uh, we will skip that one, it's not as important!

  3. You can dress up a ____ all you want, but when the lights go dim, it's clear, you're still in the company of a ___!

  4. Hope she allows some room in her house for those that feel like destroying something .

  5. Yup - she looks better than her buddy Chewie down the street in DC....

    She needs to resign for 'allowing' the violence and destruction that happened while she was in charge! The Governor came in, advised her of the error of her ways, beefed up enforcement potential, and reduced the violence immediately!

    Remember Baltimorons, you voted for exactly what you got!

  6. as its been said for years "clothes don't make the man" (yeah, I know it's a women, people)

  7. Are you people in Baltimore really proud of what you voted for now?

  8. How did her hair get so straight? Why not be natural? Or is natural not so attractive?

  9. 8:25-Those who voted for her most likely are.

  10. you can put lipstick on a pig, ...

  11. "Let them eat cake"

    she gets an award for wearing clothes while the city burns. yet another clear indication that this country is run by idiots.

  12. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 30, 2015 at 4:28 PM

    I wonder how much time she spends in front of the mirror to make herself "Look Pretty" compared to doing her job as Mayor of Baltimore. Aaaahhhh, yeah that job is not so important , I forgot. Fire her, send her to Hollywood so she can hangout with Kardashians, and get a New Mayor, because this one sucks.

  13. She's a piss poor sorry excuse for a human being. Anyone who would allow sharpton's foulness in their space isn't worth a damn- useless piece of crap. She's showing her true colors-ghetto trash and we all know you can dress them up but you can't take the ghetto out of them. Blacks have so much to be ashamed of and if they aren't they deserve everything they get. Too damn stupid to elect REAL leaders and not slave girl followers like her out to promote an agenda.


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