You Cannot Generalize Pro or Con About All Vaccines
The report below was recently sent to every representative and senator in the Washington legislature and to all the newspapers in Washington. Attorney James Deal believes that the personal or philosophical objection will be retained at the state level.
“They have all the money, but we have all the good ideas. If we persevere, we will succeed.”
~ James Robert Deal, J.D.
Anti-vaxxers oppose all vaccines. Pro-vaxxers favor all vaccines. No, it is not that simple. Pro-vaxxers admit that certain groups should not receive certain vaccines and that vaccine injury does happen, although it is “rare”.
Most so-called anti-vaxxers actually favor some vaccines but oppose others. Most oppose giving many vaccines all at one time. Most say they are only asking for safer vaccines.
Amid the name calling, there is a reasonable middle ground. Dr. Mark Geier, M.D., Ph.D., associated with Johns Hopkins and the National Institutes of Health, author of over a hundred peer reviewed journal articles, is a moderate we should pay attention to. (Go to YouTube and search for “Dr. Mark Geier Thimerosal”.)
Dr. Geier supports the measles-only vaccine, but he opposes the MMR, measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, because it has caused confirmed adverse reactions and death. Likewise, Dr. Gregory Poland, of the Mayo Clinic holds that the MMR is largely ineffective.
Attorney vs. doctor, which one has more knowledge about medical issues, and which one is setting the scene to make himself a fortune with a lawsuit...