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Monday, April 20, 2015

April 2015 WCRC Meeting

Monday, April 27th 6:30PM Social Half-Hour 7:00PM Meeting

Fellow Republicans,

Join us at the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce at 144 E. Main St in Salisbury, MD for this month's meeting.

Featured: Maryland General Assembly 2015 Legislative Session Wrap-Up Forum featuring 37-B Delegate Carl Anderton Jr., 37-B Delegates Christopher Adams and Johnny Mautz, 37-C Delegate Mary Beth Carozza and possibly Senator Addie Eckhardt.

Other items on the agenda:
WCRC Scholarship Presentation
Sarah Lake Rayne with a 1st Saturday Presentation

Also, feel free to join us for Hapy Hour starts at 5:00PM at Cellar Door Tavern which is located at 111 Camden St on the Downtown Plaza - you may enter at the Gateway Building from the Library parking lot.

We look forward to seeing everyone!


Shawn Jester, President
Muir Boda 1st Vice-President

Publishers Notes: WHAT: Mrs. Liberal Phone Spoof Queen. Why don't they just rename this group the Wicomico County RINO Club, WCRC. 


  1. let's all show up And make our agenda Known. we won't stand for Any rinos

  2. No one will show up because most of the complainers are full of hot air.

  3. Why? There are no local Republicans with any balls.

  4. Ms Lake
    you are a fraud and a RINO and a disgrace to the party as i stood Quietly with a sign disagreeing with democrats agenda and re-election for pollitt and mitchell you interfered with my freedom of speech last year at Wor Wic Community PUBLIC College you are a embarrassment to the republican party and DO NOT stand for free Speech and everyone needs to know the FAKE you.

    1. She is a dummocrat at a rino event

  5. Damn I just ate and that picture made me hurl chunks!

  6. Ya know., even though they are 'representing us' sometimes our legislators aren't fully enlightened about issues. I'm wondering if the above mentioned reps have any idea what this clique is all about? Or, who they are truly coming to associate with.

  7. Muir and Sara. Figures.

  8. they have no concept of the issues that face us locally, statewide or nationally. seriously, I have attended meetings in the past and it's a social club only.

    once in a while they will have a good speaker, but that's about it. waste of time and money. lastly, they are mostly RINO'S. end of story.

  9. You guys don't get it, its episode three of the rino empire strikes back. The real conservatives are in place, doing what needs to be done. When they aren't getting knifed in the back that is.


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