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Thursday, April 09, 2015

America’s Decay Is Speeding Up

As one who loves America — not only because I am American, but even more so because I know (not believe, know) that the American experiment in forming a decent society has been the most successful in history — I write the following words in sadness: With few exceptions, every aspect of American life is in decline.

The Decline of the Family: Nearly half (48 percent) of American children are born to a mother who is not married. Forty-three percent of American children live without a father in the home. About 50 percent of Americans over 18 are married, compared to 72 percent in 1960. Americans are having so few children that the fertility rate fell to a record low 62.9 births per 1,000 women in 2013. And in an increasing number of states, there are now more deaths than births.

The Decline of Education: Compared to nearly all of American history, the average American school teaches much less about important subjects such as American history, English grammar, literature, music and art. Instead, schools are teaching much more about “social justice,” environmentalism and sex.

Any of us who receive emails from large numbers of Americans can attest to the deteriorating education — including among those who attended college — in written English. In sophisticated commentary on websites as well as in email, one encounters the most basic errors: “it’s” instead of “its;” “their” instead of “there;” “then” instead of “than,” etc.



  1. Totally agree- the decline of high culture is disturbing. I would love to give money to WSCL because I love classical music- but until they drop that liberal NPR news (and now there are other NPR stations in the area that air news- so why do we need our taxpayer money going to two stations that play the same thing)- I will not give them one dime.

  2. And it all starts at home. Kids learn from watching their parents, not listening to what they say. Be a good role model and your children will imitate it.

  3. Really? Because Dennis Prager says so? He is a radio host. Please. If he feels so strongly, have him get out his checkbook an start rebuilding things.

  4. Really?? Because the facts and statistics he points out are real.
    Pretend they are not, but it won't make them go away.
    COLLEGE grads don't know who George Washington is, or who fought in the Civil War, or ANYTHING about economics (except somebody owes me something for free). A command of the English language? LOL!!! They can't spell, do basic math, write a grammatically correct sentence, punctuate properly, or think analytically. Proof? Forty percent of Americans think Obama is doing a good job. The rest of the WHOLE WORLD thinks he's an inexperienced buffoon in way over his head.
    THESE are our future workers and businessmen.
    Succinctly put, we are screwed.
    Keep cheering.

  5. "Really? Because Dennis Prager says so? He is a radio host. Please. If he feels so strongly, have him get out his checkbook an start rebuilding things"

    Congratulations, you just posted the most stupid comment of the day. Because he is a radio host, his opinion is somehow less important than yours or mine? As for his checkbook- do you realize the vast amount of money we waste on educating the typical American and what do we have to show for it? And yet kids from home schools or private schools, where very little money is being spent, blow the public schools and colleges out of the water.

    Forget the education thing for a moment- have you been to Wall Mart lately? It's like going to the Star Wars Cantina scene- to borrow Rush's phrase. . People used to dress up are care about how they presented themselves. Now, they all look and act like slobs.

  6. The way to start fixing this problem is to drop any and all political correctness. Look down on those that are contributing to the decay. Do not let your children associate with children who "are from the other side of the tracks." The left like to say that illegitimate births are lower in European countries because of the liberal use of birth control and because sex ed is taught in schools. This is utter nonsense.
    The reason illegitimate births aren't so common is because all of Europe still places much value on the class system. They look down on those they deem as below them in the social class structure. This in turn shames any offenders into striving to be more like the aristocracy.


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