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Thursday, April 02, 2015

A court case so secret, US Govt says it can't go on

Imagine that someone has wronged you, and you sue them.

Then the Government magically appears in court and asks that your suit be dismissed because, for reasons it won't tell you, state secrets might be dredged up in the course of the litigation.

You have no idea what they're talking about.

But after secret discussions with the judge from which both you and the defendant are excluded, the court dismisses your suit.

This Kafkaesque scenario couldn't happen in the U.S., right?

Not until Monday, it couldn't. That's when a federal judge in the Southern District of New York did exactly that, dismissing a defamation suit by Greek shipping magnate Victor Restis against a shady advocacy group called United Against Nuclear Iran.



  1. Waaaaay scary!
    I won't mention that the judge was appointed by the tots transparent Teh Won in 2011.


  2. Not only that, but you could find yourself on double, secret probation!

    That said, the reported facts are unsettling.

  3. Unsettling???
    Just think about what Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Franklin would have said about SECRET arrests, charges, detention, and imprisonment.
    I think we would ALREADY be in the middle of the Second American Revolution.
    And a WHOLE LOT of lying weasel, slimy, pedophilic, alcoholic, cheating, law-breaking, loser politicians would be running for their lives.
    Before they get away, we should nail a copy of the Constitution to their back. Nailed to it.
    I'd cheer that.


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