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Thursday, April 23, 2015

72-Year-Old Grandmother Is Fed Up With Modern Women And Welfare Sponges

Mama Agnus speaking truth and facts and gives a refresher course to modern women, lazy men, and welfare sponges about roles and traditional values. She is sick and tired of women not raising their children and then blaming it on their men...She says “Now they may not like me for saying it, but these younger women today, they don’t even raise their children, their children raising them!” Agnus said. “A woman’s place is to raise her children, and at the end of the day, tell their husbands which one they had to almost kill.” Well said Mama Agnus.



  1. Well Momma Agnus sure does tell the truth and this younger generation needs to pay attention and listen to her.

  2. You know what's disgusting? I just recently lost work after being employed for over 15 years. I'm 33, with 4 small children. I swallowed my pride and went to a local DSS where after complying with all their terms was DENIED. These programs are bogus and very discriminative. Thanks Somerset DSS.

  3. She's right. Enough said.

  4. 8:35 sorry to hear that, you must be the wrong culture!

  5. 8:35 sad but true. If you have anything of value or that you own you are DENIED. I tried in Wicomico county. I felt the process was very demeaning and degrading.
    8:35 I don't think culture matters. If you have any assets at all, they wont help you. The told me I had to cash in my term life insurance policy & use my 401K as that would free up money for me to pay my bills.

  6. I agree with 12:09. if you sit on your butt you can get everything for free. food stamps,housing,health care ,phones,free electric,free heating oil etc... but if you are a hardworking self respecting person you get nothing. maybe because you make $13.00 to much trying to support yourself and your family. or maybe you are an AMERICAN. if you are not a citizen (legal or not) you can also get anything you want. It doesn't matter that you have worked half of your life and paid uncle Sam. you must not deserve it. what a joke this country has become. sometimes i am ashamed.


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