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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Wicomico County Teachers This Week


  1. Our teachers don't look like that!

  2. This is an insult -- teachers did not decide to close the schools here, the Board of Ed and Dr. Freddy did.

  3. I love it they are young and having fun like young people do. It has no bearing they are teachers.

  4. 8:19 No, actually it is a joke... get a grip.


  5. Funny pic but underlying theme is inaccurate. Which has been spelled out before.

    School in MD is mandated for 180 days. Teachers locally contracted for 190 days. Snow days chip away at their time off in better weather and they have no say-so in decision to close or delay school. No extra pay for the extended days later on.

    When weather is hazardous most folks are glad to stand down until it improves. Some types of jobs must work and we appreciate their dedication.

    For those envious of the 'teacher lifestyle'...go back and get your HS diploma and then enroll in SU, UMES or another college so in 4 - 6 years you can squeeze your beach chair into the picture.

    Have many teacher friends and think my comments fairly reflect their view on this topic.

    Hurry, Spring!

    1. I'm happy earning my money. Thanks anyway for the encouragement to change my career. I take pride in knowing I do my job correctly without stealing from my bosses.

  6. It is time to add teachers to the "list of disrespect", as they belong right there with all the firemen and policemen. Why should we respect them for doing their jobs
    Matters not how much the folks on the " List of disrespect" are trashed, humiliated, or criticized , those folks are concerned, caring and consciously do a first class job, no matter who is in need of help.

  7. I find it impossible to tell the difference between a joke and disrespect on here., especially when reading the comments.

  8. When I lay out in the snow with my bathing suit on I get strange looks.

  9. I've worked in private industry, I've owned and operated small businesses, I've served in combat with the US Army, and now --- as yet another career move --- I've chosen to teach and reach those children who may not have the opportunities I've been given and I've earned in life. It took me 10 years of hard work to earn my college degree, and then another 30 to finish my Masters.

    I would encourage everyone who reads this blog: stop complaining and go do something important. Volunteer to teach someone how to read. With whatever skills who may have, go share those skills with kids with less opportunity than you. Make positive changes in the community, or shut the hell up!

  10. So much butt hurt for a simple joke picture. You people need to loosen your panties, you're suffocating your life.

  11. I'm sure they are enjoying a great sky weekend at a PA or WV resort all courtesy of the great wages and benefits they enjoy off of Wicomico County Tax payers and property owners!

    1. Yes!!! Thank you! Because teachers are exempt from paying taxes!!

  12. Anonymous said...
    This is an insult -- teachers did not decide to close the schools here, the Board of Ed and Dr. Freddy did.

    February 28, 2015 at 8:19 AM

    Why is it an insult to teachers. You are the ones that joined the union. You are the ones that get a paid day off(now 6 paid days off), you are the ones that never got a furlough when County employees did, you are the ones that got pay raises this year when county employees didn't.

    Go stick your insult where the sun doesn't shine!!

  13. Anonymous said...
    Our teachers don't look like that!

    February 28, 2015 at 7:59 AM

    Most don't.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Funny pic but underlying theme is inaccurate. Which has been spelled out before.

    School in MD is mandated for 180 days. Teachers locally contracted for 190 days. Snow days chip away at their time off in better weather and they have no say-so in decision to close or delay school. No extra pay for the extended days later on.

    When weather is hazardous most folks are glad to stand down until it improves. Some types of jobs must work and we appreciate their dedication.

    For those envious of the 'teacher lifestyle'...go back and get your HS diploma and then enroll in SU, UMES or another college so in 4 - 6 years you can squeeze your beach chair into the picture.

    Have many teacher friends and think my comments fairly reflect their view on this topic.

    Hurry, Spring!

    February 28, 2015 at 9:24 AM

    Funny how this teacher gets away with insulting tax payers. The ones that pay their salary.

  15. Anonymous said...
    It is time to add teachers to the "list of disrespect", as they belong right there with all the firemen and policemen. Why should we respect them for doing their jobs
    Matters not how much the folks on the " List of disrespect" are trashed, humiliated, or criticized , those folks are concerned, caring and consciously do a first class job, no matter who is in need of help.

    February 28, 2015 at 9:25 AM

    Let me guess. You are a firemen?

    Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding. We have a winner!!

  16. Anonymous said...
    It is time to add teachers to the "list of disrespect", as they belong right there with all the firemen and policemen. Why should we respect them for doing their jobs
    Matters not how much the folks on the " List of disrespect" are trashed, humiliated, or criticized , those folks are concerned, caring and consciously do a first class job, no matter who is in need of help.

    February 28, 2015 at 9:25 AM

    Let me guess. You are a firemen?

    Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding. We have a winner!!

  17. 7:59-Ours did not look like that either.

  18. "Make positive changes in the community, or shut the hell up!"

    Well stated, 10:09!


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