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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Wicomico County Residents: Now Hear This – Ireton and Ashanti Trashing You In Annapolis!

The Daily Times has already begun an effort to kill the bill that would allow Wicomico County residents to establish a partially elected school board. Since the hearing in Annapolis on March 18, it has twice given much more than lip service to the opposing testimony by Ireton, Ms. Ashanti and Kevin Johnson, who portrayed the County as a haven for redneck racists that don’t want to educate the minority residents’ and thus underfund the school system.

Here’s their testimony at the hearing and that by Addie Eckardt and Marc Kilmer in support of the bill.

Unfortunately, the opponents were much better speakers that the proponents, who were not forceful or impressive. This is very apparent in the response by Eckardt and Kilmer to questions by members of the Committee.

Where were all those folks who have pushed for an elected school board? They were “no shows” at the hearing, so it appeared that the bill lacks public support. Has the Republican organization in Wicomico County has dropped the ball once again? Does Jim Mathias support the bill?

As we noted earlier, the bill and an elected school board of any kind could be unsuccessful this year and possibly for the foreseeable future there is little or no support by the public in Annapolis. Ireton and the other opponents are trying to convince the General Assembly that there is no support except by those they portray as a small Caucasian elite who control the County and brought about the revenue tax cap single-handedly. According to them, the bill came about without any public discussion and input, so must be stopped in its tracks, now, to paraphrase Ireton.So, folks, you better get going if you want to make a showing.






Response To Questions


  1. Rednecks huh ? I have some choice words for Ashanti and there Racist just like she Spewed.

  2. Kevin Johnson is an ultra liberal that supported the teachers union in Annapolis in illegally breaking into the local teachers association offices last year. He is a board member with the wcea along with ireton. Neither one of them is worthy of our trust, and for them to trash the shore the shore the way they do is horrible.

    1. Kevin Johnson is a math teacher at Mardela Middle/High School. He was sent to Annapolis by the teachers union because he is very good at crying, whining, and complaining. He is an embarassment to the teachers of Wicomico County. Hope he doesn't get jumped in Mardela for calling People rednecks!

    2. Mardela you say? That schools name keeps popping up!

  3. How come there were no supporters at that hearing from the Wicomico Republican Central Committee?

    Kilmer is not the one to blow the horn, because he speaks with no emotion or authority. Addie Eckardt is not much better -- she sounded like she wanted to be somewhere else. Of course Ireton gave an Obama-like spiel in which he distorts and lies with a straight face, follow by others of the same ilk, Kevin Johnson and Mary Ashanti.

  4. This episode is truly disappointing -- looks like that bill is DOA.


  6. Kilmer criticized Culver for not being prepared with documents for Council vote on Bennett. Sounds like he wasn't prepared for the hearing with facts and documents. Who decided who would represent the pro-elected board group?

    Ireton is out of control. He doesn't speak for me and I live in the County.

    The Committee members should have been bombarded with emails and letters; the vote tally in the last election which spoke for change; the fact that Pollitt blocked this in the past, etc. Who even knew about this? Why doesn't anyone rally the fiscally responsible troops like the rabid Dems do theirs?

    It is time the moderates and conservatives VOICE their opinions instead of letting the loud mouth blow-hards rule the day.

  7. Joe, I think Anderton and Cannon spoke very well in their hearing. I guess that is why the Daily Times is not talking about it!!!

  8. According to the Racial Slur Database: Redneck
    Race: Whites
    Previously referred only to the rural prejudice whites, mostly farmers, who have reddish necks (or a "farmer's tan"). However, its usage has become a lot looser and now includes any racist white.

    Mrs. Ashanti needs to be replaced and owes a huge apology to the Eastern Shore's White Population! IMMEDIATELY!

  9. Mary Ashati needs to be called out in here redneck comment in Annapolis she wouldn't like if someone called the black people in wicomico the N Word.

  10. How hypocritical of Ireton and Ashanti, who are members of minority groups, to label those who want an elected school board as "rednecks".

    I feel certain that racial or sexual orientation slurs would offend them, so why would they use the term "redneck" as a slur about those who disagree with them?

    Many people I know who support an elected school board have credentials that include college degrees, MBAs, PhDs, business owners, CPAs, MDs, TEACHERS and more. They are far more educated than Ireton or Ashanti.

    Are we all "rednecks" too?

    1. Ireton and Johnson do not represent teachers. Many teachers support an elected school board. The only thing they represent is the WCEA and the MSEA, both of which only suck on the ideals of liberal democrats because that is what they are. The teachers union make teachers look bad and both organizations should just go away.

  11. Are there any reasonable people left in Wicomico County?

    Ireton supporters and others criticize Joe Albero and commenters on this blog for personal attacks. Well, I think posting on this blog is a h#ll of a lot different than testifying in Annapolis and publicly trashing your community, including calling those who disagree with you "rednecks".

    The pot is calling the kettle black!

    1. Mary Ashanti is obviously the real Racist.

  12. Hey ashanti whats good for the goose is good for the gander ? Is it a one way street mary,?

    1. I think she has Alzheimer's.

  13. She is DEFINITELY racist! Any Caucasian person that has had any real contact with her can testify to that. If there are 5 people in the room and the Caucasian is the one talking, she will respond by looking directly at an African American; not reply directly to the Caucasian.
    It's people like her that keep the racism alive!

  14. People that flat out lie like that when testifying should go to jail for 30 days!

  15. Ashanti can't even put two words together to make a short sentence. Never could. Mary...pleeeease....go somewhere, get a life, NAACP has used up it's life. Advancement of Colored People? What is that about? It seems 'Colored People' have advanced pretty well

  16. Ashanti is very very racist, always has been. Have known her for a very long time and she is one of the most racist people I know.

  17. So were is the rally?? lets march on annaplois !!!and show support lets castrate these morons ..BOE needs to be an elected position!!! We will also not stand for the derogatory remarks concerning "whites" you two are the ignorant racists

  18. Jimmy was on Don Rush's show this morning doing the same thing... go to the Delmarva Public Radio site and listen to the Delmarva today for 3/20


  19. It's a shame that there are some children in Ireton's and Johnson's classes. I wouldn't in a million years allow my child to be influenced by either of these losers. Johnson isn't even from this area. I believe he is a liberal from New York

  20. Kevin Johnson is a representative of the teachers union and teaches in Mardela. He is fed what to say and is schooled by Jackie Harris from the Maryland State Education Association, a top paid MSEA employee and a racist against whites. I went to a meeting once where she stated to a group of white teachers that Wicomico County was the most racist county in the state. She also insulted a teacher in front of the group who disagreed with her. I never went to another meeting! These unions are toxic!

  21. Kevin Johnson is a loud mouth union butt sucker. He will do anything the union says. It's a shame because the Union gives our local teachers a bad name. You would be surprised at how many teachers dislike the union. Go back to your classroom and teach Kevin Johnson, that is if you know how!

  22. Mary Ashanti is the world's worst racist!! Two commenters are right, can't put two words together to make a sentence...that would be a noun and a verb?? She'd mess that up!

  23. If this bill is killed it will be Jim Mathias who is holding the smoking gun. The chair asked why he wasn't sponsoring. To me that says that the bill isn't going anywhere without Jim. Funny thing is Worcester has an elected school board. I guess it's ok for Jim's county to have one, but we're second class citizens in Wicomico.

  24. Mrs. Ashanti I think you owe us an apology immediately. I am a citizen of Wicomico County, am white, and far from a redneck as you call us. I voted in the past election because I wanted a change. By voting I was asking for an elected school board because the current board has not listened to the public and has made changes only to what Dr. Fredrickson or his fans want, to which are not for the betterment of the children.

    Mayor Ireton how dare you go and try to speak on behalf of the citizens of Wicomico County; You are the mayor of the city not the entire county. So there for you can only speak on behalf of the city population which is a 1/3 of the area. Stick to City of Salisbury matters and to teaching.

    Now for the meeting it would have been nice to been informed that it was happening. Maybe with enough time more of Wicomico County could have been involved.

  25. Jim's kids went to Worcester Prep.

  26. No wonder we are not respected in Annapolis. Wicomico is truly the armpit of Maryland. We've surpassed Dorchester and Somerset in our ignorance.

  27. is it a problem on my end when it says there is a problem playing this audio file?

  28. Mary should realize Ireton used her because she was black and she fell for it. Mary, there are blacks that live in county as well, so you trashed your own race.

    Motor mouth Ireton just keeps shooting himself in the foot all the time. One day, if we all live through this maniac's rule, he will do himself in and we all will get to see it.

  29. Kevin Johnson is a union moot. He'll do whatever they tell him to do. The only reason he went instead of Gary is that he can whine louder and longer.

  30. I think they are basically saying we are too stupid to run ourselves. They really are impressive people aren't they?

  31. How come teachers can go to Annapolis to spout that crap on a school day? Did Dr. Freddy excuse them?

    Ashanti probably has no job, except as a "community organizer".

  32. Sounds almost as if the Council sent a boy to do a man's job. Where were Strausburg and Culver?

  33. It's the "rednecks" who are working so the welfare moochers can be on permanent vacation. How about thanks instead of insults?

  34. I have tried to listen on 2 different PCs and a tablet, but I can't get it to play. Any advice?


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