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Thursday, March 26, 2015


(Wicomico County) Wicomico County Health Department (WiCHD) and Salisbury University are collaborating on preventive health measures following diagnosis of tuberculosis in an SU student.

The student is currently under medical care and is no longer attending classes. “There is no risk of additional exposure to SU students, faculty or staff,” according to Lori Brewster, Wicomico County Health Officer, “and the risk of infection from previous exposure to the student affected is small.”

According to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), in 2013 there were 178 cases of TB in Maryland and 224 cases in 2012. “Tuberculosis is difficult to contract. It usually takes at least eight hours of close proximity in a small room for TB transmission to possibly occur, and the air space is only contagious when the untreated patient is actually present,” according to Lori Brewster, Wicomico County Health Officer. “A healthy person cannot be infected from casual exposure such as walking through the halls or eating in the same room as the affected person.”

The WiCHD has begun reaching out to those who may have had closer contact, including classmates. They will be offered the opportunity for TB testing. The tuberculin test is being done simply as a precaution to ensure no others were infected before the affected student began treatment. (Please note that a positive skin test result DOES NOT mean a person has active tuberculosis. It simply means that at some time in the past, he or she may have been exposed to the tuberculosis germ.)


  1. A second patient has been diagnosed, according to WBOC yesterday, but now it looks like they scrubbed it from their page...

  2. All well and good that in most instances, contact isn't direct or prolonged enough for inhalation of the TB carrying droplets, but how about publishing descriptions of some of the environments where transmission is possible?

  3. Hey SU?? What up with the director of finance being "fired" and escorted off the premises?????

  4. "...cannot be transmitted by casual contact..."
    Unless he sneezes or coughs as he/she passes you in said hallway.
    We "hurt the feelings" of TB patients if we ask them to take their medicine or try to quarantine the worst cases.
    Their "feelings" are MUCH more important than your life.
    Keep cheering.


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