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Saturday, March 07, 2015

What Happens If You Boycott Your Student Loans?

Fifteen former Corinthian Colleges students are angry. The group alleges they were taken advantage of and targeted by the for-profit college system. They’re not the first to complain about the institution, but what makes these students different is that they’re refusing to pay back their federal student loans. They’re called the Corinthian 15 and they’re going on strike.

“If you owe the bank a thousand dollars, the bank owns you. If you owe the bank a trillion dollars, you own the bank. Together, we own the bank,” reads the website of the Debt Collective, a grassroots anti-debt organization calling on other students to challenge their creditors. Specifically, they’re calling on people with student debt from Corinthian Colleges to join the Corinthian 15, who say they will no longer pay for “degrees that have led to unemployment or to jobs that don’t pay a living wage.”

The school, for its part, isn’t backing down.

“Corinthian Colleges stands by the education it provided for its students and we are proud of our track record of helping students meet their educational and career goals,” said Joe Hixson, a spokesman for Corinthian Colleges, though he wouldn’t comment specifically on the actions being taken by the Corinthian 15.

He did note: “The traditional community college graduation rate is as low as 20%. Many Corinthian students tried a traditional community college before coming to Corinthian and found the Corinthian education better fit their needs. There’s clear need for an alternative to community colleges and Corinthian provides that.”



  1. Throw them in jail and put a lifetime lien on any money they ever make. The world owes you nothing. You choose where you go and agreed to the loan. Pay up and stfu.

  2. The students chose the course of study - they should pay for it.

    If it was a university the only offered one course of study and they guaranteed a job - different story.

    These kids are wrong - and show how that generation is becoming entitled to handouts!

  3. Check out the college's website. It's hard to tell what the college teaches.

  4. Maybe some slack while they're looking for a job commensurate to their degree,but when they find that dream job they need to pay up.

  5. I think the Student loan bubble is about to burst just like the prime mortgage loan bubble in 2008. Car loans as well. Until inflation and jobs come back, we are in for a day of reckoning! Too many easy loans, and no way of every paying them off.

  6. Degrees no longer pay what they used to. The good paying jobs have left the country and they are not coming back anytime soon.

    We are now a third world country. Go to school to learn a skill that can't be easily outsourced or insourced.
    The trade jobs will be where the money is in the future. The infrastructure is falling apart all over the country. We are going to need a variety of trades men like welders, mason's, electricians, civil engineers, and architect's.

    These jobs are on the horizon and this country will need many in the future to fill them. Right now with the economy, jobs are scarce, but I don't believe this will last forever. We can't ignore this much longer.


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