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Monday, March 30, 2015

WELFARE ABUSE: 32 years old Austin, TX welfare recipient says working is stupid.


  1. There needs to be more controls in place to stop people from becoming professional wards of the state.

  2. This person is either lying are just outright stupid.

  3. I have no problem helping people in need but at some point they need to help themselves! The ones which are able to work should be working to help clean our road ways and ditches, in the summertime be out there cutting the grass at least 3 days a week for the help!As far as child care they can 'daycare their children or others who are working those 3 days in state run day cares!The help should not be generational!

  4. Cap welfare benefits at two kids. Subtract cost of free lunches and breakfasts served in school from food stamp allowance for school age kids.

  5. Whats crazy is that if they stay at home with their children they should be some of the best and brightest. Instead they waste their time smokin pot and watching TV. Meanwhile the kids learn nothing but how to suck off the government tit and be lazy. What an opportunity they have and they simply piss it away as fast as they can.

  6. "working is stupid" is just what one would expect a stupid person to say.


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