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Thursday, March 12, 2015

WATCH LIVE: Press conference on police officers shot in Ferguson

St. Louis County police hold press conference on the condition of the two officers shot outside Ferguson police headquarters early Thursday morning. WATCH LIVE at 10 a.m. ET on Fox News and FoxNews.com.



  1. Again the cops made the situation so they should deal with it... they want to shoot, beat, stab, punch and murder people because they know no courts will even, with evidence of wrongdoing, do anything criminally to them and they also get a incentive of paid vacation...

    Like I said before, and again here, when the shit hits the fan and in Ferguson it seems to have, your selves and families are at risk.

    So I ask you officers of the non-abiding law, is your life and your families lives worth what you do to average citizens on a daily basis?

    Is your and your families lives the damn petty money you extort from others? Just as you and the govt are doing, the citizens are making a list too, and cops are on it!!!

    People will only take so much harassment or bulling...

    Anyone hurt or killed by your actions or the politician or upper management who tells you to do this, forces you to do this and the courts who upholds this, the blood will be on all of your hands and in the end, you will have to pay the piper...

  2. 10:05 come out of your cave...

  3. so how long have you been walking upright 10:05 ?

  4. 10:05, all you have to do, is not break the law. chew on that for a little while. see if it soaks in.

  5. 10:05 is the epitome of the entitlement mentality... I can do what ever I want to whom ever I want and if you question or try and stop me you're racist.

  6. Our first black attorney general, Eric Holder, and his department of justice, are instigating a race war by his people against law enforcement. All this by a man the took an oath to uphold the constitution and the laws of the land. He has done neither. Holder is anti-cop and anti-law enforcement.

  7. 1:02 That works both ways, and the people are only going to take so much arrogance, oppression, carpetbagging and murder from enforcement officers that break the law they are supposed to enforce.

    My life would be just fine if there were no police. My benevolence and aim are true, my integrity and character sound.

  8. "My life would be just fine if there were no police."

    What's your problem? You still pissed cause the cops won't let you hang around the playground and watch the little boys?

  9. 6:57 That's for perv Democrats and cops that will never make the grade. (like you)

  10. So Holder is starting a race war by presenting facts to the world. You people need to get a grip. Ferguson is all over this Country. You just don't like the Idea of exposure. It wont be long now and the world will see you for what you are a RACE of DEVILS.


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