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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Waikiki Tries Employing Services, Instead Of Criminalization To End Homelessness

The same Hawaii tourist hot spot that recently declared a “war” on homelessness is trying out a peaceful approach to get people off the streets.

Under pressure from the tourism industry to curb Waikiki’s growing homeless population, government officials were quick to employ criminalization tactics and even violent acts to tackle the issue. State Rep. Tom Brower (D.) went so far as to take a sledgehammer to homeless people’s shopping carts back in 2013.

Now, a local aid organization is demonstrating that treating homeless people in Honolulu’s sought after beach neighborhood with dignity is actually the most effective way to empower them, and help them transition from the streets into stable housing.



  1. wow why don't they just treat the homeless like they deserve it like we do here

  2. Last I heard, they were offering them a one-way ticket anywhere in the mainland USA. Why not extend that to any country they'd like to immigrate to?


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