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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Traffic agents seeing red over uniform color change

The NYPD plans to replace the department-blue uniforms used by some of its traffic enforcement agents — a move that has provoked a firestorm of opposition from workers who claim the distinctive new duds will imperil their safety, The Post has learned.

“They’re talking about giving us a green color shirt and jacket, green baseball cap and black pants. We’ll look like the Joker!” said Shajahan Mohammed, the Manhattan delegate for Local 1182, the agents’ union. “These uniforms will make the job more dangerous for workers. Right now, people think we are law enforcement.”

There are two types of traffic enforcement agents: those who perform traffic patrols at intersections and those who issue tickets for parking violations.


1 comment:

  1. That's the point. Your not law enforcement. Lmao pathetic cop wanna bes to scared to write parking tickets.


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