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Friday, March 27, 2015

Top DHS official gave special favors to Hillary Clinton's brother

A top Department of Homeland Security official improperly used his influence to help Tony Rodham – Hillary Clinton's youngest brother – with visas for his company's foreign investors, according to a new inspector general report.

Investigators said Alejandro Mayorkas helped efforts to secure the visas in ways that created the appearance of favoritism and special access.

He also helped Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's green-car venture in 'unprecedented' fashion, according to the inspector general, and a casino company whose success was a pet project of then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Mayorkas was at the time in charge of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Mrs. Clinton's latest 'brother eruption' could complicate her quest for the White House.


1 comment:

  1. I keep telling you and you won't listen.
    These slime balls, these crooks, these elitist rulers don't care what is exposed, what crime they commit, or what you think about it.
    They KNOW you won't do anything and they KNOW that, in a few days, who won American Idol will be the conversation topic.
    Except "your guy", right?

    Just checking to see how delusional you are....
    Keep cheering.


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