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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Today's Survey Question 3-17-15

If crime isn't bad in Salisbury, 

why is the City Council 
considering a curfew?


  1. 317 juveniles where arrested in 2014 alone.
    where are the parents lock them up too.

  2. Everyone knows crime is an issue! This is addressed in every meeting that I have attended.
    This is a concern by every citizen and law enforcement agency in the area and across the state and country. We recognize this!

  3. Well to control you, that's one way to look at it...

    And it will give the council a power trip...

  4. 317 arrested. How many times that number were gone by the time police arrived?

  5. If we don't get the kids in hand now, we'll have a new crop of adult offenders.

  6. What's the charge and fine if someone breaks curfew? I agree that crime is horrific, I'm sure there is another motive to the curfew!! $$$$

  7. the curfew ain't gonna work either. they're already law breakers, what's one more?

  8. duh, less people on the streets at night means less people that can bare witness to ireton's late night drunken antics lol

  9. anyone who thinks crime isnt bad in salisbury must be living under a rock

  10. The teen crime activity is a symptom of the deterioration of the family structure now headed in third and fourth generation. It predominantly in the "black community".

    This condition has been brought about by well intentioned government programs, starting with the Johnson Administration's Great Society, which has made it more financially attractive for a behavioral response that generates monies based on the number of children a mother has out of wedlock. It destroys the initiative and incentive to marry and develop a family structure with the father an accountable participant, and further to participate in the labor force at any level. This coupled with other subsidies has created a dependency class, which the politicians love for votes, but results in the class having little dignity and self-esteem; which results in the aforementioned criminal and anti social behavior.

    And until these folks are weaned from such programs to the point that they would have to seek employment in areas that are now being filled with illegal aliens, the situation will only worsen.

    If only the politician had the courage to do so, it would go a long way in once again, re-establishing the family unit, and at the same time dry up the jobs that illegals come here for.

  11. If you allow government to control you, they will be more than happy to do so. Unfortunately, there is a segment of our society that have lost the self respect they need to not allow this to happen. Sad

  12. Yes the real problem is the children... put a curfew on adolescents and let the adults do whatever.. that's sure 2 bring the crime down.. children are ruining the city .lol what a joke

  13. Call it what it is a ZOO !!! It is bad and whatever they can do to make it better I am for it. Impose the curfew. D.J.J. and S.P.D. better be ready to enforce it. It you keep bluffing you lose creditabilty

  14. They are ALL going to run. Then what are the cops going to do. Shoot them? Taze them? Heck, most cops can't catch a fleeing teenager, so what are they going to do? If they do catch them, the violators will get a juvenile services hearing (sealed from the public view and record), and not even a slap on the wrist. And the parents? They just won't pay the fine. They'll claim they are too poor, and that they did not know their kids were out at night. They will say they thought they were in bed, that they must have snuck out when they weren't looking. Or that they were working and couldn't lock the kids up when they were gone. Just won't work or change anything. Noble thought though.... If they can catch the punks, they might get some guns off the streets.

  15. The ones they are chasing are in superior condition and MOST of the cops are not! Not all the cops but lets face reality some are over weight and could not catch a cold!

  16. Dr. Fred is tired of all the 16 year old 5th graders that reside in the Bury bringing down the average of the MSA's. He figures if his employee Jim can get a curfew then they will be home studying and will perform better on the tests. After all not every bodies best 6 years of life is the 5th and 6th grades.

  17. You cannot expect all parents anymore to control and know where their children are it just isn't reality. As parents we knew where our child was at all times, and when they exhibit bad behavior there was punishment. A lot of parents now do not care or have a clue what their children are up to. And if you try to clue them in you will be cussed and threatened. Thank God the city is proposing this plan IT IS NEEDED!!

  18. I think it is because they have been reading this blog and all the comments and figure with so many citizens mad and upset about the situation they better look like they are doing something, so they start with the kids, then work their way up. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.

  19. Yes crime is bad in Salisbury. Someone broke into my car and the Salisbury Police didn't want to make a report. When I finally convinced them they said they would make a note of it and call it "suspicious."

    WTF!! What are they telling their officers today? To ignore crime and only write it up if they have to and only call it suspicious.

    Calling it suspicious doesn't fall into the "crime has been committed" category. That is how they keep the numbers down. It is a fkg Joke.

    Jim Ireton and Jake Day you have Fkd this city up so bad that the police officers don't even know WTH a crime is.

    1. That is why crime is down. The officers job is to address the perception that a crime has been committed and convince you otherwise. Don't worry, duncan will be leaving for a job at Salisbury university in three years when lashley retires.

  20. A teen curfew is an EXCELLENT idea.

    It's a damn shame, the "parents" don't set the curfew for them, so once again, the government has to step in and provide what they won't or just don't.

    It is the parents' responsibility to know where their children are. If they were held responsible for any vandalism or damage they cause while unsupervised, I bet they'd start keeping them on a tighter leash. Any crimes they commit, should cost the parents out of pocket, especially if they knew of the kid's proclivities, or if the slightest parental oversight would have clued them in.

    I am sick of the whining and blustering from families of thugs, denying any knowledge of his behavior or any possibility he was anything but an innocent, church-going scholar about to go to college.

    Yet he'll have a Facebook page clearly showing him flaunting gang associations, doing drugs, drinking alcohol, mixing up cough syrup and grape drank cocktails, flashing stacks of cash, brandishing illegal firearms and bragging about violence and crimes he's committed. So mama can't try to deny she knew, especially when she's got her own page linked to it.

    That's why I have no sympathy for them. You do what you have to do, to keep your kid contained; you don't, you'll pay the price.

    It might not solve the problem, but it's a start. No 15 year old needs to be out on the streets at 1am, hanging around a bad crowd.

    Especially those who are part of the "achievement gap". They need to be home studying in the evenings, not out on the streets.

  21. More laws = more crime


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