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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Three astronauts have arrived at the International Space Station

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Korienko will spend a year living and working aboard the space station. They'll study how the human body reacts and adapts to living in space. They'll look at changes in sleep patterns and exercise routines. The astronauts also will study how changes in pressure inside the skull affect vision and the effects of space on the immune system. The third astronaut, Russian Gennady Padalka, will spend six months in space.


  1. And accomplishing zilch.What was all of that moon landing business about in the late 60's and early 70's? Was there some purpose to that or anything beneficial to the taxpayers? Oohs and ahs are not redeemable in any market on Earth,and other than communication satellites NASA has given us precious little.

  2. 559, you must be a child without an education,but you must be forgiven, as schools do not teach what is happening up there, and really even NASA doesn't reveal the results of all the experiments going on up there, and it's a shame.

    I have read reports of the ability to grow human and pig organ tissue in weightlessness at an alarming rate in zero gravity, offering up growing your own body tissue if you ever needed a kidney transplant, for instance.

    That;s really cool, and I'm sure there are 10,000 more scientific and medical innovations that began with a space experiment, but the Government is just not in the business of selling the space business.

    Hell, Obama deleted our Shuttle program without a replacement.

    Dumb us down, keep us ignorant, and we become easier to control.

    Am I the only one who sees this?


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