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Monday, March 30, 2015

Think About It


  1. Redskin is a derogatory name akin to the "N word" the other names are Native names of people. You said "think about it" that's what I think.

  2. Just shows you how stupid people have become.

  3. 6:55....people still refer to my kind as "white people" or "honkies", not as Caucasian or English American. I'm getting tired of the ONE-WAY racism charges. All of us...white, black, yellow, red, purple, or otherwise...are guilty of racism in some manner. All of us are discriminated against. The white male is now the lowest form of human life and the most discriminated against....and why? Because it's the current politically correct stance. Let's ALL of us get off our high horse. Some of the worst discrimination going now is that of the small part of the Negro population condemning the entire police world. For a change, Let's all GET REAL.

  4. "Redskins is derogatory? Since when?
    They took the name in 1933 and nobody thought it was derogatory for almost 80 years until political correctness came into vogue.

  5. A lot of despicable things were once accepted. Maybe it is time for us to move on, put the past behind us and look to the future.

  6. Because in the movie Hot Shots 2 when Geronimo jumped out of the airplane with a parachute he yelled "me"!!


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