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Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Daily Times Has Declared War On Bob Culver!

After weeks of sniping by making snide remarks and biased reporting of Mr. Culver's actions as the new Wicomico County Executive, including his decision to reconsider the replacement of the West Salisbury Elementary School, the Daily Times has moved to full-fledged effort to embarrass and belittle him. On January 10, Mr. Culver and members of the County Council met with representatives of the Board of Education and consultants to inspect and discuss the present school facility. The consultants, who have received no compensation, subsequently submitted a report and recommendations for potential revitalization of the facility.

Apparently because it was not invited to attend that meeting, the Daily Times has filed a complaint that the meeting violated Maryland's "Open Meetings Law," under which the Counsel is required to conduct its formal business – i.e., decision-making such as legislation - in public meetings.

The meeting mentioned above was held for the purpose of obtaining information, and no formal decision was made or, according to the Council's president, John Cannon, discussed by its members at that meeting. But, the Daily Times has gotten someone who is affiliated with the local mainstream media trade group – Maryland-Delaware-District of Columbia Press Association-to raise a ruckus by suggesting that a violation occurred. Although the Daily Times' hit man, Craig O’Donnell (a reporter for the "Kent County News"),has no specific knowledge about what occurred during the meeting, he says that because of its “format” the Council "went over the edge." This baseless and outrageous accusation, but for the deference permitted by the courts in bashing public officials, would support a slander suit against O'Donnell.

This is the latest episode in the Daily Times's management's ongoing effort at retribution for Mr. Culver's defeat of Rick Pollitt in last year's election. They just can't get over it, just as they still don't understand why it happened. Thus, they want to bring him down as soon as possible in order to perpetuate the status quo that came to be during Pollock's tenure as the Wicomico County Executive.


  1. Ten minutes to write a letter to the Open Meetings Board and the Times will fly for weeks, if not months, on this story.
    There's no doubt that the decision of the Board will be that no violation of the Open Meetings Act occurred, but there will surely be the perfunctory paragraph in its decision letter cautioning the executive and county council against breaking or bending the rules, even though they haven't.

    Ho hum, blah, blah, blah, end of story.

  2. Whatever he does to change things for the better of Wicomico County that crap "newspaper" will whine and rabble rouse about it. Thankfully, we have Sbynews to call them out every time.

  3. Interesting that the DT has done little about the big wind turbine scam in Somerset County, which involves the County government up to its eyeballs. But for this blog and the Crisfield newspaper that outrage would still be undercover and behind closed doors.

    Instead they are attacking Culver and the Wicomico Council by spreading lies.

  4. What's wrong in determining whether these actions were illegal? Isn't that what America is all about? If these actions were not against the law, then no problem. Welcome this type of scrutiny. It's what makes America great.

  5. I saw this story on their webpage yesterday. So glad you have allowed reactions to it.

    It is the most disgusting abuse of "press power" if it can be called that I have seen.

    It was so obviously an informal meeting. Who knew how many council members would show up? It was not to conduct business but to fact find. This is beyond ridiculous and anyone associated with the Daily Times should be embarrassed by this over reach by them. It just proves they are desperate OR THOSE PUSHING THEM TO DO THIS ARE DESPERATE because they are losing their grip on the county - FINALLY. Thank God!

  6. Daily times is disgusting and a sore loser.

  7. Mr. Culver has more than The Daily Times fighting his vision that the taxpayers elected him to carry through. As always, the Sour grapes Dems are upset, there are employees who won't accept change and with the heavy hand from Creamer some on the council are fighting him also. I for one voted for him and am going to support him. I hope that others who wanted change will do the same.

  8. If you think this piece is good, wait till tomorrow morning when I deliver another slam dunk article.

  9. Good for you,but extracting the locals from their shells will be a tall order.You appear to be up to the task.

  10. I think the Democratic leadership should rethink how they are treating the man the people voted for as County Executive - and not by a small number by the way. They are looking like the same kind of people who attack their Democratic president and we all know how they feel about those kinds of people. So, why do they choose to act like them? Kind of hypocritical don't you think?

    Those who consider themselves "statesmen" such as Phil Tilghman, Tony Sarbanes and others, should show some statesmanship and rein in their ugly Democratic friends. This is supposedly a democracy and the people voted you out. Show a little respect for the process!

  11. The Daily Times is DESPERATE. Think about all the years they said, that nasty blog! Or, we're not a blog and we're held to a higher standard.

    REALLY! They have downsized like there's no tomorrow. They went from owning their own building to selling it and renting another building and even subleasing space to a dog food distributor.

    Their lease is up in two years and one thing is for sure, Gannett will pull the plug on them and not commit to keeping them alive.

    In the mean time they'll run more like a National Enquirer and spread whatever information they see fit to sell papers. ALL ethics and protocol will be thrown out the door as we've also seen with Greg Bassett's paper.

    By the way, tomorrow I'll be bringing you an incredible story about them too.

    Funny how they've gone down hill. Heck, ALL of the local media has gone down hill.

  12. 8:32 --


    Unless there is some reason to review the matter, it's absurd to do so. Besides a waste of time, it suggests that someone did something illegal regardless of the result.

    BTW - do you think that such scrutiny should be given to Hillary Clintons secret and private e-mails as the (former) Secretary of State?

    1. What Hillary did was in violation of The Federal Records Act and a violation of every citizens trust in the office she held as well as the trust of the State Department. One can only guess at what shady deals she was dealing with and to who's benefit! That can be the only reson for setting up a phony email server in your own hame, makes it so much easier to destroy any and all evidence!

  13. 8:32 It would be welcomed if the DT was not so overwhelmingly bias against Republicans, especially Culver. It appears to be a vendetta rather than doing a service to the citizens. Motives? Who really runs the paper? One sided opinions from Susan Parker - don't forget she made a big deal about Culver's swearing in and then had to apologize for her faulty memory about Pollitt's swearing in? That just proved her bias against Culver.

    Do you think the DT does true reporting that is fair? Case in point, why are problems in Somerset being ignored by them? They are working an agenda and it becomes more obvious with every day that goes by.

  14. 9:13, What do you think about the disgusting letter that Mark L Bowen
    sent out last week from the Wicomico Cty
    Democratic Central Committee ?

  15. If you people stop supporting the daily times by not buying their newspaper and visiting their website they will eventually go away. Show the libs what the real shore folks are all about. Don't let them take over here too.

  16. I don't know if you anyone has noticed, but The Daily Times does not mention the monetary side of the spending equation. IMHO - The Daily Time is one of the most biased medias that ever went to print. It's 'left wing slant' is obvious right from the outset.


    1. How many County entities are currently paying rent or leasing space here in Wicomico County.

    2. How much is Wicomico County currently expending each month to headquarter these entities: (ie. Election BD., Dental Clinic, WIC, Lower Management Board, SWED, Life Crisis Center, etc.)

    3. Why isn't The Daily Times disclosing Wicomico County's rising Debt load, or, how is the County going to survive trying to maintain the infrastructure.

    4. What about the diminishing local property tax base, and, the diminishing local area workforce numbers!!!!

    IMHO - The Daily Times as a media that has methodically engaged in - JOURNALISTIC CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE - for well over a decade. It should be considered TABLOID at best.

  17. 9:13 --

    Phil (and Barrie) Tilghman and Tony Sarbanes are the cause of the situation and certainly won't raise a hand to stop the criticism of Bob Culver, whom they regard as a Neanderthal.

    They supported Pollitt, Josh Hastings, Ron Pagano and Laura Mitchell in last years election. Nuff said.

  18. Number One Question - why did the Democrats allow Pollitt to lose if they are so upset with the Culver victory? Look at who DID NOT donate to Pollitt. He couldn't raise any real funds. Were they so obtuse they thought Culver didn't have a chance, so Pollitt didn't need a campaign? Maybe they were and that explains why they can't accept the defeat now. It was very apparent they did not support Pollitt in any meaningful way. If I were Pollitt, I'd be mad as heck at my "Democratic" friends.

  19. first 9:24 - didn't see it

  20. Democratic operatives are controlling The Daily Times and trying to create an Agenda. Susan Parker, Memo Diricker, Rick Pollitt, Phil Tilghman, simply connect the dots and their path can easily be connected.

    Good work County Exec Bob Culver, you must be doing something right - one can easily tell by the way they are using The Daily Times to attack you. Thank GOD for SBYNEWS.

  21. Mr./Ms. 9:26

    Don't forget Michael Pretl. He's the biggest Democrat mudslinger in Wicomico County, and he was Pagano's campaign manager last year.

  22. 9:27, I don't know how to post or link it. I'll try and send to Joe. 1-9:24

  23. Only when liberals are involved will you get criticized for doing a great job. Bob Culver was elected to do just what he is doing. If he is being attacked, the attack is also on the majority of voters that supported him. We must remember this in the next election and continue to cleanse ourselves of the communist liberal agenda. Bye Ireton, Bye Mathias.

  24. It was shocking the way the DEMS let their man fall big time in election. Pollitt might not have been doing the job but everyone could not believe Sarbanes, Neat and Tilghman allowed him to lose without a fight.

  25. By raising false rumors and spreading lies, Blubber Boy also is trying to stir up hostility to Mr. Culver.

  26. Ok.....on the point made by the post......I disagree with th sentiment. While I personally believe that an inquiry into an alleged violation will be unsubstantiated, I believe that it is the responsibility of the free press to call elected officials on potential allegations. I think Bob is doing an outstanding job and is keeping the promises made during his campaign. Sbynews has done an outstanding job of not only calling elected officials on potential violations but has also done a remarkable job calling other forms of local media for REFUSING to call elected officials on certain issues when a specific agenda with which they supported was at stake.

  27. At least 10 years ago -- when it became part of the Gannett menagerie -- the Daily Times abandoned real local news reporting for publishing "mock news", much of it manufactured by the editorial staff, to promote the liberal agenda. Joe is right, in a few more years, the DT will be history.

  28. It's time to start using mafia strategy . Obama has taught me well!

  29. The DT's is nothing but a bunch of little weasels who are extremely angry because their man didn't win reelection.
    They were the ones fooled and not the people who they thought they could fool and Mr Culver won and now they would best be served to suck it up and go and crawl back into their miserable filthy holes from which they emerged.
    They like to think of themselves as progressives when they are in fact regressive. They thought they could continue to lie and it wouldn't catch up with them. Too damn stupid to take seriously the alternative media movement such as blogs. Now the movement is burying them alive and instead of digging out they are burying themselves deeper-typical stupid democrat as per democrat insider Jonathan Gruber.
    It will be a good day when the door of the DT's hits the last one in their ass on their way out.

  30. 10:26 (1 of 2)

    Please reconsider your statement: "While I personally believe that an inquiry into an alleged violation will be unsubstantiated, I believe that it is the responsibility of the free press to call elected officials on potential allegations."

    The DT has manufactured the purported "potential allegation".
    Under your view if someone alleges that you broke the law, regardless of any evidence, then there should be "an inquiry" to disprove the slander.

    That's ridiculous.

    As another comment puts it, the DT has turned to manufacturing news, and this is a classic example of the "mock news" that it peddles.

    1. 11:02.....unfortunately thats how it works. In the criminal justice system someone goes to a district court commissioners office and alleges that someone has committed a crime....regardless of any evidence. Then a trial is held and a judge or jury determines guilt or innocence. Evidence is examined during the trial - or inquiry as you put it. Someone calls th AG's office and makes a complaint that someone in govt. violated the Open Meetings Act. The AG's office looks into it to determine whether or not it really happened. Thats how it works.

  31. Stay on top of things Joe. The #$#@! slob keeps trying to put this man down!

  32. Look who was in attendance on this fact finding mission. MIKE DUNN. The same MIKE DUNN that sent Shanie Shields to neighborhood information meetings held by Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen. Why did he send Shanie? So there would be a quorum present and it would constitute a meeting. MIKE DUNN and BARRIE TILGHMAN forgot one thing. Debbie and Terry are so much smarter than they are. They were prepared for Shanie to show up knowing Comegys wouldn't dare. They had Brenda Colgrove on standby to record minutes of the meeting in the event they pulled this very obvious stunt. It backfired in DUNN and TILGHMAN's faces, just as this will backfire in their faces. Culver needs to realize, where DUNN is, trouble follows.

  33. Of all the important things that occur in and with the County, it
    seems very strange that an effort of this type takes place. As a former local government member I
    see no problem going on or asking for information regarding an expenditure of public funds prior to presenting it to the Council.

  34. The Daily Times should not exist and anyone who supports it by buying their bird cage liner deserves reading a bunch of lies and innuendo. Why would you even consider wasting your money by buying it and then reading what this left wing nut has to say. You might as well buy the National Enquirer, but I would bet there's probably more truth there. There are a bunch of sore losers in this town and they will stop at nothing to bring someone down. They are the very ones you should not be listening to - M. Dunn, B. Tilghman, P. Tilghman, that Mitchell woman, Ireton, etc. etc. Give Bob a chance, he's doing good things, just sit back, keep your mouth shut and watch.

  35. To 9:25 Poster - I agree with your analogy. It is obvious that The Daily Times has lost virtually all objectivity. I do not believe that they will survive much longer. The easternshore reading audience is onto them to.

  36. Phil Tighlman tries to stay quiet these days, but you can rest assured he's still the Grand Dragon of the democratic party of good ole boys. Karma always returns home.

  37. Bob is a great hands on leader who travels thru the trenches and comes up and thanks each employee for the job they are doing. As a decade plus employee i never seen pollitt on site in adverse weather to thank anyone.It could have happened but not were i work. As far as the daily times they can not compete anymore.They need to throw the towel in.

  38. In a conversation I was in earlier today, one of the people made a great point. When Pollitt was elected, nothing changed. He allowed the same old county employees who had been running things to continue. He challenged nothing. All he wanted was a Chief of Staff to follow him around like he was an anointed leader. Thank goodness the Council at that time voted that down.

    The point - Pollitt was a FIGURE HEAD who let the same people continue to run things. Culver is HANDS ON. What does this mean? It means the entrenched county management employees who have fooled, lied to and generally screwed over the taxpayers for their personal gain are still involved. THE ONLY WAY CULVER CAN TRULY CHANGE THINGS IS TO CLEAN HOUSE OF THOSE WHO REFUSE TO CHANGE. He needs to look no further than his own office. That is where he should start and with the elimination of Strosburg, his life and the life of the taxpayers would greatly improve. That man is a snake and a liar. Ask almost anyone who has had dealings with him and they will tell you so.

    Until Culver surrounds himself with more like-minded people, he will keep hitting obstacles put in place by the old guard. By the way, Cannon's hands are not clean and neither are Matt Holloway's or John Hall's. Just check out Pollit's campaign donor report to see who they supported in the election. Traders to their own party.

    Before all the county employees jump on this, I am not referring to the majority of you, it is those in management positions - and you know better than any of us who the good old boys are.

  39. For all those years while the first county executive, Pollitt stayed out of the trenches, preferring to get his information second hand from his department heads. Such a distancing from the actual day to day operations of an organization with a
    budget of over $150,000,000 is unconscionable and not in the interests of either good local government or appropriate oversight and management.

  40. Culver has a huge problem to overcome with the backlash he is receiving from the liberals and also the low-class, lying comments that are being allowed on that other blog. I wonder if Phil Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Memo Diriker and the others would admit they support him even though he seems to think they are "his friends". They may feed him info, but I guarantee they would all be Judas's if they were asked to stand up for him. They'd be too embarrassed to claim him! What a fool that man is. They are playing him like a fiddle.

    It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that Strasberg is feeding him info too. Talk about an underhanded, lying hypocrite. Culver is a fool to keep him around. Sorry Joe, I know you like Culver, but come on...it is time Culver knows how a lot of the people feel about his so-called "staff".

  41. Maybe it's time to remind the public of the $500,000 theft of fuel and tires and truck parts that occurred under Pollitt's watch, for which a few underlings were dismissed but the public works director allowed to quietly resign.

  42. 10:26 -- Actually the DT ceased to be a decent local newspaper when Greg Bassett took over. To see what I mean read that rag that he now publishes (and I suggest doing so with an empty stomach).

  43. This is jut like Freedom of Information Acts on Culver's spending. I think the person who keeps asking for them to prove his FALSE stories, should not be able to claim "press" and get the info for free. He needs to reimburse the taxpayers for the time and effort put into answering his harassment.

    He posts a bogus story, is challenged and/or told it isn't true - Bingo, he files a FOIA because he can't possibility be wrong!

    REALITY - I've heard he didn't print the expense report because Culver hasn't asked for any reimbursements. He won't report that because it doesn't fit the AGENDA they are all working. Wonder how many McDonald's, WaWa, Back Street and other meals Pollitt would have charged or asked to be reimbursed for by now?

    Just another example of the hiding of the truth to support their agenda which is based on LIES!


    So glad we have SBYNEWS to keep up the pressure of exposing these liars for who and what they are.

    Good work Joe!

  44. 3:47 --

    FYI: Rai Sharma is now the public works director in a western shore county -- would you believe -- it's true!

  45. Pollitt was nothing but an empty suit, just what the good old boys wanted. Culver points out waste, sees lack of respect for taxpayers and questions the "disposable" mindset of the BOE and he is attacked.

    It should be quite clear to everyone what is going on here. He is a threat to their way of life. If he is being attacked so viciously, my guess is he's on to something. Where there's smoke....

  46. Bob Culver is doing a great job. I voted for him, I support him, and I respect him.

    It is more than time for a decent, trustworthy leader like Bob to be in the office. For decades we have had cheats, liars, and scoundrels in city and county government.

    In quiet confidence and strength, Bob will get the job done. He is already doing a great job. If he wasn't the ole guard would not be so upset.

    Liars lie, cheaters cheat, and scoundrels with their dirty deals wheel and deal; not this time. Their steady stream of underhanded money is coming to the end and they are afraid for their personal finances.

  47. 3:45 I agree about Strasburg. I have been lied to by him and in telling others, you wouldn't believe the stories they tell. He has earned quite the reputation as a less than honest broker. Culver needs to realize he is not being smart to keep that man. Ask some of your LEO friends about his handling of the FOB, ask some of your lawyer friends (other than Baker) how they really feel about him. Culver is making a huge mistake to keep him.

  48. I agree with the comments about the attacks proving that Bob is on to something. The level of venom that is directed toward him is unbelievable. The only explanation is that he must be on the verge of uncovering something really big that they do not want exposed.

  49. 3:27 don't leave out, "I'm moving to Florida so screw the taxpayer, I'll change my vote to support Benmett" Prettyman also donated to Pollitt.

    If Cannon, Hall and Matt Holloway continue to support Pollitt and Democratic ideals with their votes, then I think they deserve the same SCATHING SCRUTINY that Culver is getting for doing what the voters selected him to do. Wonder if they would handle it as well as Culver does?

    1. If Cannon, Hall and Matt Holloway continue on the path they are on it's time people got behind their words and moved into action, start a serious recall on all three of them. Otherwise, it will be nothing more than 4 years of complaining about them and their actions. Get rid of them. Spread the message far and wide, we're not going to stand by and take this any longer.

  50. Someone needs to ask for FOIA on how much taxpayer dollars were written to retirees who were allowed to claim so much comp time they never used any annual leave. There apparently is NO LIMIT on accrued comp time or annual leave for department heads. How many companies do you know that don't have use it or lose it leave policies with limited amounts of carry over days? Checks were written in the 5 figures to some departing department heads. Some of them actually bragged about it. If that isn't abuse of power, I don't know what is. Do the average county employees get unlimited comp time and accumulated annual leave? This is what Phil Tilghman, Creamer, Shea, Baker, Morris, Sarbanes, Pollitt and Strasberg have promoted and protected. How do you feel about your tax dollars being spent this way?

  51. Turn about is fair play. Start attacking the council people who are Republicans in Name Only. They are feeding the media against Culver. Just how will they like being a target.

    Let's talk about slum lords, property deals and drinking for starters.

  52. I do not believe The Daily Times will be around very long either. They have followed the same path as liberal left wing Air America(now bankrupt), and left leading media mogul MSNBC. The Daily Times biggest mistake is they are no longer entertaining, and, they are lecturing the public as opposed to simply reporting the news.

    SBYNEWS now garners the eastern shore's NO.1 rating in all categories and that includes the movie media.

  53. I think the reason The Daily Times is suffocating is because they DESPISE others point of view, particularly, conservatives. I agree with one of the other above posters comments whereby they said that The Daily Times has lost their objectivity.

  54. Has anyone noticed the paper has droped the column of Dr ben Carson, a conservative from Sundays paper.

  55. Comment person at 4:21:

    Can you say "Phil Tilghman"?

  56. This past election the Republicans literally cleaned the Democrats clock. Even the McDermott & Mathias final tally was very very close - where Mathias was an incumbent sitting Senator. It seems as though The Daily Times - would attempt at the very minimum - to try and address some of the root causes for these major upsets. Look, even Carl Anderton came from out of left field and unseated our 7 term powerful House Appropriations Chair, Norm Conway. Yet it seems as though SBYNEWS is the only one that is doing unbiased reporting.

  57. Pioneer Green, the wind developer in Somerset, has lied to county officials in public meetings yet the DT continues to cover for them and the false promises of wind. How ironic when a local official is working hard to clean up the mess, he faces a constant barrage of attacks.

  58. When is culver going to kick the city out of the GOB? Ireton keeps saying county owes money for FD, let them make that same statement from the streets.

  59. I agree with earlier posts. Culver needs to get rid of all the Pollitt and Creamer era managers. They are poison to what the voters voted for in the last election. They will do anything to create havoc for Culver. Clean house - the sooner the better for all of us.

  60. sby news had a big influence in the last election were the elephant all but stomped the libby donkey

  61. 5.19 YOU ARE SO RIGHT ON IT .I really hope culver and the council look into the big secret of comp time by dept heads. You just figure a dept head comes in a 1/2 early or stays a 1/2 late each day that equals to 121 hours of comp time allowing for 2 weeks vacation plus there vacation time. Should be one or the other and not both.

  62. I remember the daily disappointment used to get a tax break every year from the libs. hopefully bob does not renew that again. Let them pay just like the rest of us! Then watch them whine!

  63. Hi, I'm the Secretary of State. I want to give you a Billion $ in return to agreeing with me. In return for the Billion $ I give you, please send a check to my Foundation. Giving away FREE money is hard on us so we need you repayment in order to realize how much you love us.

  64. Bob must quickly realize, and may be he does, that he is going to be held to a much higher standard. This has always been the case when liberals (democrats) have been beaten in the arena of ideas and elections.

    They turn to any means possible to malign and disparage as they are mostly without scruples or principles. We only need to look at the state and federal level for examples.

    The only advice I can give him, is to give them as few openings as possible and remain true to his principles and convictions.
    I am convinced he will!

  65. IMHO - I do not think The Daily Times staff fully understood what happened on November 4, 2014. At least not by the way they have been reporting. It's almost as if they are continuing to report on everything - based on as it was before the election. They really haven't woken up to the fact that everything has now changed.

  66. 5:19 & 7:50 your comments are noteworthy. Mr. Culver could balance the county budget by eliminating comp time for department heads. I know of some department heads that take a week out of state vacation and or tax payers funded "training" almost every month.


  67. The funniest and most ironic point regarding Gannett's challenge to the visit to West Salisbury school is that they probably didn't even have a reporter old enough to cross the street alone who could have attended!

    Also, Mr. Culver made astute cuts to several higher echelon managers shortly after taking office. Spring is coming and its a great time to trim deadwood that lasted through the winter. Starting near the top of the tree would be a good idea.

  68. 8:29 --

    That is not remotely how "it works."

    Now go back into our hole.

  69. You guys must remember , the reporters as you call them , only report what they are groomed to tell. They do absolutely zero investigative reporting .
    The Times is nothing more than a communist paper full of propaganda. It fits the profile of the Obama administration of thieves and lies.
    I have to let this crap go sometimes for fear of becoming postal.

  70. 8:29 PM:

    Uh. No, that's not exactly how it works. You've left out all of the buffers that are in place between complaint and court, and between complaint and full tilt AG investigation.

  71. 8:29 -- You must be talking about Russia under Putin and Stalin -- that is/was exactly how "it works" in those regimes.

  72. He should over ride the council & not spring for tearing down Bennett & redistricting. Isn't there veto power? It makes sense to put the boe in the old bennett bldg. Save us some taxpayer bucks!

  73. As long as the DT publishes a daily paper they will survive, by charging the outrageous prices for legal notices. It just cost me $600.00 for an Estate notice that was 2" wide and 7" long. Imagine how much all the foreclosure notices bring in. What Wicomico needs is a competing daily paper. The DT is the only one who qualifies for these types of notices.

  74. Joe, Please run for President. you belong in the White House.

  75. There are some real interesting commentaries here. A lot of the information I did not know until I read some of these comments.

  76. People dying is news. Until there is some other publication that tells us who died, the Daily Times will continue. The death notices alone will keep it alive (oh yeah, that's a pun).

  77. 9:18 AM: you got some bad advise from someone. One, the required legal notice for estates is typically not a 7" x 2" piece of information. And secondly, there are much cheaper venues that meet the legal requirement. Think "free" publications.

  78. I would like the daily times to publish only the death notices and the comics, if they go I will miss my man Andy Capp.

  79. 9:25 you need help

  80. Newspapers are a thing of the past. Not limited to the Daily Times.


  81. IIRC the Executive proposes a budget and the Council can accept it or trim it. Don't think they can add to it.

    So if Mr. Culver does not request any money for BMS to be destroyed it won't occur. Same for requesting any money for either of the plans to turn really old schools into office space.

    Keeping the property where JMB and BMS are intact makes sense. Keeping the BMS fields where they are makes sense; just need some upkeep and refurbish. Turning BMS into admin space makes sense: airy layout with lots of natural light; staffers could walk the track at lunch in keeping with wellness plans; to spots for employees to buy their own lunches, etc, etc.

    Only fly in the ointment is that it doesn't conform to the master plan laid down long ago when money was flowing 'liberally' from Annapolis.

  82. I have a feeling that Bob Culver will be around long after that fading newspaper disappears.

  83. To 6:06 Poster about Mathias Vs. McDermott.

    Response: Just goes to show how vulnerable Mathias really is. I suspect that Mathias will be defeated next go around for sure.

  84. The local mainstream outlets do nothing to benefit the citizens of the eastern shore.Don't they have to come up for a license review every couple of years?

  85. 11:44 yes it makes sense, but Cannon, Hall and Matt Holloway will shoot it all down with their votes. They are trying to show
    Bob's who's boss. Sad commentary on the character of those men. They are in the pockets of the Owepollitt/Frederickson/Dunn/
    Bassett crowd.

    From conversations had in church today, public gives Bob lots of credit for trying to do what's right and taking the heat. It is the council men named above that they have a problem with. It is too bad we didn't have better choices. They were the lesser of the evils presented for vote. Yet, they are turning out to be pretty evil themselves!

  86. 10:26, I would agree with you about what a newspaper should do and that the charge will be unsubstantiated.

    But, in this case, I think the Daily Rag is wrong. The Open Meetings Act is online. Thanks to the lady council member who had to leave last year, I learned about it.

    The newspaper could do its homework and read it. If an ordinary person like me can, so they can. They should. They would find the meeting isn't illegal.

    That rag never has done its homework. It's just looking to throw mud on Mr. Culver.

  87. Anonymous said...
    I think the Democratic leadership should rethink how they are treating the man the people voted for as County Executive - and not by a small number by the way. They are looking like the same kind of people who attack their Democratic president and we all know how they feel about those kinds of people. So, why do they choose to act like them? Kind of hypocritical don't you think?

    Those who consider themselves "statesmen" such as Phil Tilghman, Tony Sarbanes and others, should show some statesmanship and rein in their ugly Democratic friends. This is supposedly a democracy and the people voted you out. Show a little respect for the process!

    March 8, 2015 at 9:13 AM

    You obviously are not paying attention. Phil Tilghman and Tony Sarbanes are no bodies. The Democrats fighting Culver now are the ones doing it behind his back. It is the local Millennials on the Wicomico County Democrat Club that are working behind the scenes and you people are to stupid to pick up on it. It is Josh Hastings as president of the Democrat Club, Ron Pagano as Board Member, Chuck Cook, Jake Day and Jim Ireton. Wake up dumb asses. See what Jim Ireton did to Governor Hogan, he is doing the same thing to Culver and the rest of the County Council. The ones that are getting free buildings from the Mare. Church, Gillis, Gilkerson, etc. Millennials... LMFAO

  88. March 9 2015 2:46PM

    Okay "know it all" What is the real size of the estate notice and where are the free places . All the local lawyers would like to know!!!!!!!!!!! When is the last time you had to post one?????

  89. March 9 2015 2:46 PM

    Just re measured the Estate Notice actually it is 1" by 12". If it makes any difference. Where are all the FREE VENUES????? People want to know!

  90. Re: March 9 2015 2:46 PM

    According to the Register of Wills in Wicomico County a Legal Notice must be published in a "county newspaper" 3 successive weeks. It has to be a "purchased paper" not a free publication. There are no "free venues" for this type of notice in Wicomico County.

  91. Joe I quit reading the rag a long time ago. I just read the news here. That paper has been a rag for a longgggg time. Thanks keep up the good work.

  92. There's a squall coming. Rain before wind, our sails you must trim. We're in for a blow. We'll have to run for shelter.

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