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Thursday, March 19, 2015

State: No Record of Clinton Signing Separation Statement

The State Department says it has no record of Hillary Clinton signing a statement attesting that she had turned over all unclassified documents related to official business when she left her post as secretary of state in 2013.

Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Tuesday that neither of Clinton's two immediate predecessors, Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice, signed such a statement either.

She also said that different bureaus within the department had different rules relating to such statements that had the effect of making their completion optional by some employees. She could not identify the bureaus in which employees had the option to sign or not.



  1. But she said she complied with all the rules....

    Pants on fire there Hildabeast?!

  2. Someone will mysteriously "find" the signed document. How hard would that be?

  3. She's nothing but a pure political whore just like Bill. I'm sure our nation has better than this or is this the best the dems can produce?? She is just a pathetic, dangerous, cowardly and lying person who has no leadership skills but would have no problem finishing the destruction of our nation by taking off where BO finished. We need to do better!!


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