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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Cleanup & Community Yard Sale set for April 11-12

The Town of Ocean City is once again offering a great opportunity for residential property owners to do their spring-cleaning by offering free residential bulk pick-up on Saturday and Sunday, April 11-12. As an added attraction, Ocean City also will offer a Community Yard Sale on Saturday, April 11 at Northside Park.

Ocean City’s bulk pick-up service offers a convenient way for residents to get rid of large household items, such as furniture, appliances, bicycles, carpet, etc., which cannot normally be loaded into a standard refuse truck. Normally, this service does not include building materials, yard debris, etc. However, during the Spring Clean Up the town will be accepting these items.

Place your items curbside (staff does not go on private property to remove items) on Friday, April 10, for Saturday April 11 pick-up from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, April 12 pick-up from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Town is providing bulk pick-up free of charge during this period. At other times, cost for bulk pick-up is $20 per pick-up of one item, $30 for up to three items and $5 for each additional item. There will also be an amnesty program to collect fireworks, old ammunition and old weapons that residents may have in their household and need to be removed. For more information, call Solid Waste at 410-524-0318.

As part of the Spring Clean Up, Ocean City’s 14th annual Community Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, April 11, from 7a.m. until noon at Northside Park. The yard sale will be held on the parking lot at Northside Park on 125th Street in front of the Community Center. Vendor spots will be available for Ocean City residents and property owners only. Space is limited, so please apply in advance. The cost is $15 per double space. If space is still available, participants may register before 7 a.m. on the day of the event for $20. Participants can begin setting up their items for sale no earlier than 6 a.m. All items need to be removed by 12:30 p.m.

No retail merchandise will be permitted for sale, and no personal or professional services are permitted for sale. Certain items may be excluded for sale including cars, trucks and any powered wheel conveyance; boats, snowmobiles, firearms, martial arts weapons, alcohol, paint, hazardous chemicals, food, produce, beverages or any other items which may be deemed inappropriate on public property. Raffles are not allowed.

To register, stop by the Ocean City Department of Recreation and Parks Northside Park Community Center, 200 125th Street. For more information about the Community Yard Sale, call 410-250-0125.

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