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Monday, March 09, 2015

Singapore to cane German vandals

Two German men have been sentenced to three strokes of a cane and nine months in jail in Singapore for vandalism and trespassing.

Andreas Von Knorre and Elton Hinz pleaded guilty to entering a train depot and spraying graffiti on a train.

Singapore has strict laws on vandalism, and has caned and jailed foreigners in the past for the offence.

These include a Swiss national in 2010 and US teenager Michael Fay whose 1994 caning sparked global controversy.

Von Knorre, 22, and Hinz, 21, had flown into Singapore from Australia in November last year and vandalised a train during their stay.

They left the country afterwards and were eventually arrested in Kuala Lumpur in neighbouring Malaysia.

Both men expressed remorse in court, and called their acts "a stupid mistake".



  1. Bring it to america, but the thugs mothers will say Not my child.

  2. When in In a foreign country you must follow the law of the land. They deserve what they get. Someday everyone will realize you have to obey the law of the land you are in. NUFF SAID!!


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