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Saturday, March 28, 2015

School named after war hero forces child to shave off military-style haircut

Adam Stinnett looks up to his older stepbrother – a soldier in the U.S. Army. So when it came time to get a haircut, the seven-year-old told his mother he wanted a basic military-style cut. And that’s exactly what he got – high and tight – just like his stepbrother.

Adam got his haircut on March 8. On March 9, his mother got a letter from the principal of Bobby Ray Memorial Elementary School in McMinnville, Tennessee.

It seems they were not all that thrilled with the second grader’s new hairdo. The principal told Amy Stinnett that her son’s haircut was distracting – and needed to be fixed.



  1. We hate everything about you,but go and protect our freedoms for poverty level pay while we bitch and complain about are 9 month jobs and our way to large salaries.

    1. Has nothing to do with teachers. The liberal ass administration. Teacher haters suck. Maybe your just jealous.

  2. But Nappy and cornrows or burke head scarfs are Ok

  3. Reactionary baloney from the school administrator. The "distraction" would be short lived if nothing had been done. This sounds more like a complaint from an adult with an underlying personal issue having to do with the haircut style, not the alleged problem it caused in the classroom.
    Every kid in the school should get a high and tight as a strong sign protest of this bad call by adults. Turn it into a Facebook page, with pictures of the posters before and after. Get some t-shirts made. Turn it into something that everyone will remember.

  4. The people that made him shave his head should have their lives turned upside down.

  5. This was an action of an Obama socialist who is a coward, a sick example of an American and a cancer in our society. What's wrong here? Have we had enough yet??


  6. Local VFW and American Legion members need to schedule a meeting with the principal and the Board of Education.

  7. The school probably thought his family were white supremacists.

  8. Well, guess what...White Supremacists have a right to their beliefs and actually no one has said what was wrong with the child's haircut especially when I believe we have a right to wear our hair however we want!! Just another liberal socialist trying to take our right to choose!!


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