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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Saturday Construction/City Noise Ordinance

Hey Joe. Hope you're having a better evening than me. 

Just wanted to update you on whats happened the past week or so. On Monday someone in the neighborhood (not me) called SPD to make a complaint about the construction continuing well past 6pm. She told me that she watched the responding officer talk to one individual and then leave. That individual then went and told all the workers to get down and wrap it up, which they all did, she said. Then yesterday, oddly enough, Palmer Gillis called me out of the blue on my cell phone. I have never spoken to him before, and I don't know how he got my number, but he was very nice and pleasant to talk with. He assured me that they (Gillis Gilkerson, Terra Firma) fully have the surrounding community in mind while they're working at any project. He told me that there will SURELY be noise ordinance violations in the future, "that's just how it is." He wanted me to agree with him that the longer they are allowed to work, the sooner they would be outta there. That may be true, but I do not agree with him on that subject, because 7am-6pm means just that, and nothing more. I wonder if he only called because there is a Council meeting tomorrow, and this topic is in the agenda finally? I don't know. 

Well wouldn't ya know it?? The construction continued until 6:45pm tonight, when they absolutely couldn't see anything anymore. At 6:30 I called SPD (4th time in 3 weeks) to make a legitimate complaint about the heavy equipment and compressors that were still running. I was greeted by a nice female dispatcher, but she was unable to help, and put me on hold. After a few moments another dispatcher (Woods) came on the line and only asked for my address. I almost did not give it to him, because it is irrelevant, but I did anyway and he immediately changed his tone and became quite stand-offish telling me that "I've talked to you before (he's only talked to me once previously) and we don't have to send anyone out there." I told him my complaint was legitimate and not frivolous and that he cant just ignore it. (SPD has been called to that site a minimum of 6 times, and those are just the ones I know about) He didn't like having to talk to me, that much he made pretty clear. I asked him why he had an attitude with me and his response was "I don't have an attitude, I may be intense, but no attitude." Seriously?? He sounded just like Ireton to me. I then asked to speak with someone else. After all, these are the same cops that tell everyone in this neighborhood to call "anytime you have a problem with students being unruly."

After being placed on hold again another man came on the line. This time it was the LT on duty. He was very nice, but was very clear that there is nothing they can do. He said that they (contractors) can be cited, and that was it. He told me that the contractor can take a citation every day (unknown if a single citation has been issued), but it was not an arrestable misdemeanor offense, and "if they can afford it they'll just keep paying the fine."
I don't know what the "fine" amounts to in dollars, but I'm sure its very minor, probably $100 or less, and I'm sure Gillis would gladly pay the petty little fine to be able to work outside the allowed hours. I bet if each individual on site was written a citation every time they violate the hours their willingness to disregard the law would change. 

After hearing that response from SPD, and Palmer telling me it will definitely happen again, it seems the community has lost this battle because we can not compete with big business, big money, big government, and Salisbury University. 

Its very disheartening and upsetting to know that even the most minor of laws written only apply to certain people. It is also very frustrating that the folks elected to represent the people get butt-hurt when their opinions are challenged. I have been relentless in my quest to see that the current ordinance is followed, and for that I have been attacked on the other blog, spoken to like a piece of trash by Ireton, treated like a lame by some random dispatcher that thinks he is a lawyer/cop, threatened by one construction worker, and blown off by most of the Council. All for speaking/standing up for my community and our quality of life !!! I mean seriously....I don't do this crap for fun, Id like nothing more than to be silent as a church mouse. Problem is that the longer the Council takes to figure this out the more violations that will take place because there is no real consequence anyway. For that reason I have been quite diligent in making sure this community's voices are heard, and that Ireton, Mitchell, and Day have to deal with me like I have to deal with this noise 75 hours per week. 

I bet if I took my leaf blower over to Philadelphia Avenue or Ridge Road and gave it a tune up outside the legal hours to make noise, my ass would get arrested for disturbing the peace and surely fined for violating the city ordinance. The ordinances are only a bunch of words written on a paper, deciphered by lawyers that are in the pockets of big business. 

Thanks again for your help Joe.

End long rant. Looks like the community loses....yet again.


  1. Cry me a river. People have jobs that happen to be outside your hours. A construction worker depends on weather and daylight. Do you know how much money these people didn't bring in over the winter that I'm sure your sheltered consistent schedule provided for you and your family? I beg to work sun up to sun down. I could go a week without working due to snow or rain or a delay in the next project.

    1. Good give me your address so I can wake you up at 2:00am

    2. I wake at 2 a.m. and I'm on site by 5:30 or 6 . work 10 hour days in winter and 16 in summer. I do this 6 days a week. Travel in my vehicle to Baltimore Washington Philadelphia etc. Every day. I make $38 an hour. If you can pay me more, please provide a way to contact you.

    3. My sheltered consistant schedule consists of running two towing companies and responding at any given moment to the scene of accidents, arrests, and all kinds of other stuff. I can go out multiple times per night, in addition to a 10 hour work day. So I pretty much think your opinion is moot.

    4. If you dont like your job and the potential to lose wages due to weather, maybe you should seek new employment?

    5. Your schedule has that potential but doesn't run that way. Your just upset because your company is a joke. We all know who you are. Your just a cry baby and complains about everything. None of us other companies have issues with MSP calling us. Wonder why? And I can assure the readers your full of crap.

  2. I work on construction and have all of my adult life. The actions of this crew and the contractor are rude and unacceptable at best. The people working there are mostly from out of town and some may even be from out of the country and don't care about this community or the people around them. I do not live in or near that neighborhood and am glad I don't. There is no excuse for the late hours on this project. The real trouble has not even started yet just wait until it's done and they fill the place with rude and unruly college people every Friday night and holiday will be party time and then S.P.D. as well as university police will look the other way again. Your housing values just went down even more the best thing you people in that hood can do is sell now and get out of there.

    1. Your a home improvement contractor. Lmao. Only way you think like that then.

  3. Vote all the bastards out next election and don't refer business to Palmer Gillis.

  4. Don't give up, keep calling, they want you to quit.
    We had the same problem with an unruly neighbor, and every time I called I was treated rudely by the SPD dispatcher who answered the phone.
    The officers who showed up were nice, but dispatch treats you like you interrupted his day by making him answer the phone.
    Don't give them what they want, keep calling, and calling and calling.

    Eventually for us, one officer finally gave the neighbor a real good talking to and the problem finally ceased.

    Good luck to you and your neighbors, and keep being a pain in the a$$ to both the contractor and the cops.

    Right is right.

  5. 3:08 sounds like you are the one crying the river.

    So all laws should go out the window because the weather delayed you?

    Lame, really lame.

    1. Would you rather people claim unemployment the first week it happens and then collect every time after? I don't. I make money and save for bad times. I can go a year with no jobs or assistance from the government. What would happen to you?

    2. In the 15 years and THOUSANDS of calls for service I have provided this City's towing rotation I have had only ONE complaint lodged against me. An anonymous complaint to boot !! That ONE complaint resulted in a violation of the city's towing ordinance. It was over a $110 discrepancy on a complicated vehicle recovery reaulting in a car crashing into a pharmacy. Tom Stevenson and Barbara Duncan gave me the MAXIMUM penalty allowed. I Was suspended from the tow list for 90 days. This was, and still is, my one and only complaint. EVER.
      What gets me is how I can get the MAXIMUM PENALTY levied against me (a small company) but a large company (Gillis) is able to break the law/ordinance on a DAILY BASIS and go unchecked. Whats good for the goose is NOT good for the gander in Salisbury.

  6. Didn't he or she know that PG runs Salisbury these days?

  7. Ireton and Gillis are in bed together.

  8. Go to the commissioner and file charges on spd and every officer who refuses to uphold the law. Take every willing neighbor with you as well, each filing charges and insist!

  9. Go to Ridge Rd all you want. It's not in the city limits nor are you.

    1. Thanks. I am very aware of what my address is, and the fact that the line between Salisbury City and the County is in fact my backyard. My address is irrelavant in this matter, but if you want to talk about facts, then have at it. Fact is that the Chief is directly responsible for enforcing the laws and ordinances. Nothing is being done while these laws are being broken. She has the authority to make it stop.

  10. Holy hell, calling about construction going on before 7pm? What is wrong with you? You really have nothing to do in life, if you have to complain about that.

    1. I have plenty to do, and I do it. Thanks for your concern.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Towjam says on Saturday, February 28, 2015 and was posted on SBYNews at 2/28/2015 03:00:00 PM

    Saturday Construction/City Noise Ordinance

    Hey Joe. Hope you're having a better EVENING than me. Well wouldn't ya know it?? The construction continued until 6:45pm TONIGHT when they absolutely couldn't see anything anymore. At 6:30 I called SPD (4th time in 3 weeks) to make a legitimate complaint about the heavy equipment and compressors that were still running.+

    I wonder if he only called because there is a Council meeting tomorrow,


    1. DB....I mean JT sorry....this email was sent to Joe last Monday at 7:30pm, which is in fact, well after dark.
      Youre such a tool.

    2. If you had read the post fully, you wouldnt have that filthy taste of shoe leather in your mouth.

  12. Stop complaining and SUE if they are breaking the ordinance.
    Sue the police for not enforcing the law, sue the city likewise.

    1. Would you care to contribute to a legal fund? Im just a blue collar worker and not able to finance such an endeavor. The community should not have to retain legal counsel to get the police to enforce laws that are already written. They'll come down on you for a sidewalk not cleared within 6.5 hours, or if you run a stop sign. They'll come and break up a house party (noise violation) in a HOT SECOND, but they refuse to enforce this noise violation? Doesnt make sense to me.

    2. Surely as busy as you claim you can afford an attorney.

  13. 6:35 lol good luck with that. Another frivolous lawsuit.

  14. Time to go to circuit court to get a writ of mandamus to force the city to enforce its laws.

  15. the only people who benefit from working these 12+ hr days are the contractors and construction people. Apparently this is a case of 'who gives a rats ass' if what I do has a negative affect on people.

    That used to be a nice neighborhood. When my parents bought their home over there 20 yrs ago they never dreamed it would become what it is now. It's a damn shame that the only people who care about that small community is the people who live there. And when they speak up about how their lives are being affected most of you are saying their crying or whining. Well put yourself in their place and see how you would like it. Where is the compassion for these folks? Why not try to make this transition a little easier for them instead of "shove it up your ass".

    Truly a case of 'screw your neighbor'

    1. Only ones who benefit are......do what? Taxes are made n paid for the poor. Job growth comes quicker with complement. Not to mention helps making our area look better instead of run down. Businesses tend to clean up when a brand new one opens up next door. There is a lot more than contractors and construction workers who benefit.

    2. The medical park next door didn't need to be cleaned up. The Royal Farms across the street was rebuilt within the last 2 yrs. The people in the neighborhood (most of them) take pride in their homes and keeping them in good shape. Again, I repeat, the only people benefiting from them working these RIDICULOUS hours are the contractors, developers and the construction workers.
      These families, a lot of them elderly need a damn break from what is being shoved down their throat.
      And as far as weather etc making it difficult to get the job done on time. .. anyone that knows anything about construction KNOWS to plan for inclement weather. Since when does lack of preparation on the contractors/developers part become an emergency on everyone else's?
      I'm so sick of arrogant people. Give the damn community a break. Give them peaceful weekends, it's really not a lot to ask.

    3. And if you had read my first post correctly you would have understood that the issue is not the construction. The issue is the hours of operation. If the law was followed as it should be, there wouldn't be a problem at all.. Just work when the law says you can. .. period.

    4. So what , add en extra couple of months for weather on projects? Then what happens if weather doesn't impead the project? No way I can start the next one. Others wouldn't be ready. We keep schedules for a reason. If every one plans like this , I could have guys laid off half the year. But your a tow truck driver and just don't understand. Now excuse me. While you sleep. I have a long drive ahead to be in D.C. by 5:30 to go make some noise and feed my family. You flipping idiot!

    5. Nope. Plan accordingly. You keep schedules for a reason, just like the City has ordinances for a reason. This ordinance only pertains to projects INSIDE the city limits, not in DC, where youre headed.
      Btw...I was up at 5:30 pulling cars out of ditches, glad one wasnt yours! Drive safe !

    6. The project was supposed to start in August, didn't start until November. Had they started on time then they probably wouldn't feel the need to keep such long hours now. Lack of preparation on their part should not result in others paying the price. And fyi, I don't drive a tow truck. I do however have elderly family that live in a home adjacent to this site and I feel sad for them. It's not like they can just sell and move. These people have a right to enjoy their homes in peace and quiet outside of normal business hours. But apparently construction comes first in Salisbury.

  16. I would like to add that since this email was sent to Joe early this week I have been in contact with Mr Day and Mrs Mitchell. Both have been excellent communicators and have shown a commitment to addressing this issue. Unfortunately, the snow has postponed BOTH of the meetings that were scheduled to discuss this. They will be talking amongst each other on Monday I was told. Hopefully they will come to a quick resolution and get this put to bed once and for all, because whats right is right.
    Of the dozen or so city officials I have communicated with about this Day and Mitchell have been the most helpful and understanding. The city solicitor, the Mayor, and the police dispatcher have been the worst. The solicitor is controlled by big business and the dispatcher desperately needs some PR skills. The Mayor needs to understand that enforcement of the ordinances begin in his office, and that he and the Chief are directly responsible for any official that turns a blind eye toward this issue.

    1. This blog has two weeks of major kerfuffle over WCBOE not opening schools. Now you are telling us the Council meetings have been cancelled for two weeks. Good to know the safety of Council members is more important than the safety of children.

  17. Sir, I don't know that you need an attorney to file what that person is talking about. Might be worth a call to the clerk of the circuit court's office. A friend of mine once did something that I think was like that and the clerk helped them with a form and it was a $20 fee to file it.

  18. your gonna love it when the college kids move in

  19. If you are trying to make an appeal to gather people on your side, you probably shouldn't use "butt-hurt" in your post. You are also in for a surprise when 250+ college students become your neighbors, you are going to wish for the construction workers back.

    1. Im not in for any surprises. I am surrounded by students. University Park, University Orchard, Seagull Village, etc etc etc. we've been dealing with students for years. Does it suck? Yes. Do we have a choice? Yes, we could all move and then ALL of the neighborhood will be rentals.

    2. ......and its only 200, not 250.

    3. The people in the neighborhood are well aware of the amount of students that will be occupying these townhomes. Seems to me you are enjoying the misery these folks are going through. I have never understood people like you, Thankfully! Karma...I hope it finds you.

  20. This is only a problem on the shore. Why? We aren't used to economic growth. All over Maryland work is popping in construction and now soon in Western Maryland thanks to Hogan! The problem is most jobs around here are in the food or medical fields. We need buildings, factories, growth and fast if we want to change Salisbury. We need jobs.Art galleries and restaurants is all we have besides the college expanding. We can't have our cake and eat it to!

    1. We can have our cake and eat it too !! You just have to eat your cake between 7am and 6pm, like the ordinance says.
      We're not against jobs or this project being built. Im all for progress, BUT, Piss Poor Planning Promotes Piss Poor Performance.

    2. Seems like planning is not the issue. It's your sleep. And your the only one bitching! Joe why allow this cry baby to argue every post? He made his point and just do sent seem to understand he said what he had to say and people won't agree. I just saw you tell a guy ...no matter how or what you say you won't change my opinion. Cut this turd loose!
      And please tow jam!!!! Tell us the name of your company! I want nothing to do with it. I can only imagine your nature. You claim to be on calls all night and you obviously need sleep! Hell according to you, you shouldn't be driving these big trucks. Its to dangerous. Your sleep deprived! DOT needs to investigate you and your rest hours.

    3. Wow. If all you can see through all of this is who my employer is, you are quite obtuse. My employer has nothing to do with the noise ordinance. DOT can come investigate me any time they see fit. They will find no violations here son.
      When you want to talk about the facts get back to me. Like I said before....this isnt about any one person, ITS ABOUT THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY. OPEN YOUR EYES.

    4. Now its your employer. Before it was your companies. Which is it? We all see your grasping here. Got an answer for everything.

    5. I have never said that I owned any company. I am the manager and have been for many years. Do not put words in my mouth, friend.
      Im not grasping for anything, Im standing up for my community while you sit at your computer and bash me for it.
      We'll have to agree to disagree on this subject, and if my replies bother you maybe you should skip this post entirely and go to the next one. Im sorry you feel the way you do about me because you have never met me and therefore can not judge me. Thanks for your input, it makes for a healthy debate.

    6. Your no friend of mine. My friends wouldn't complain about people working and feeding their families.

    7. What about all the families living in that neighborhood? Their lives dont matter?

  21. What job site are we speaking of?

  22. Everybody go to the mayor's house about 3 AM in the morning and beep your horn 3 or 4 and drive away.

    1. The cry baby can. He is up all hours if the night riding around.

    2. Sorry, but I have more respect for my community to do anything like that.

    3. But not enough to allow projects to be completed in the fasted time possible? Or for people to keep working and feeding their families? Like somebody said above, you got an answer for everything. Your the only person complaining and your grasping. As a manager you should understand what a schedule is but then again your a damn tow truck owner or manager or driver or whatever you want to be.

    4. All you want to talk about is my profession. And what I do for a living. You do not want to discuss the topic at hand. It's hard to take you seriously when you drift from the subject constantly.

  23. Just for anybody who didn't notice. Daylight savings time starts next week. So they'll be working until 8PM.

  24. I'm not against anybody working to provide for their family. They can work all they want as long as it's within the confines of hours of the law. I did not write those ordinances or loss but they need to be enforced, and they were put there for a reason. That reason being the community and their quality of life.


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