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Monday, March 30, 2015

RNC On Hillary Clinton Cover-Up: ‘Even Nixon Didn’t Erase The Tapes’

It would appear that the emails that Hillary Clinton said she wanted everyone to see were completely wiped from her hard drive…by Hillary Clinton. RNC chairman Reince Priebus is calling shenanigans.

“Even Nixon didn’t destroy the tapes,” said Priebus, referencing recordings the former president kept of conversations he had in the White House between 1971 and 1973. The tapes were made available to Watergate investigators and later made public.

On Friday, Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican leading the House Select Committee’s investigation into Benghazi, announced that Clinton acted “unilaterally” and “wiped clean” her private server.

Gowdy had subpoenaed Clinton’s server but her attorney told the committee that it contained no records. The attorney also said that there are no back-up copies of Clinton’s emails.

Priebus says it’s important for a third party to to review the server. He claims the emails can still be recovered, unless Clinton went to great lengths to delete them.



  1. The only problem is that he did erase 18 1/2 minutes of the tapes.

  2. He was forced to resign, too.
    Whats Hillary's punishment ?
    The next presidency???


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