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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Retailers, Distributors Agree To Powdered Alcohol Ban In Maryland

Alcohol wholesalers and distributors in Maryland have agreed to a voluntary ban on the distribution and sale of powdered alcohol.

Comptroller Peter Franchot announced the agreement Wednesday.

It's between the Maryland State Licensed Beverage Association, the Maryland Beer Wholesalers Association and the Licensed Beverage Distributors of Maryland.

The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau recently approved several labels for Palcohol. That's a powdered form of alcohol that can be dissolved in a beverage. It is expected to be in stores nationwide by the end of summer. Several states have recently passed legislation banning it.



  1. Is it odd they want to ban this but legalize weed??? WTF?

  2. Of course they'll vote to ban it. Anybody say backwoods hick state?

  3. 1:44 PM Can you say blind sheep accepting whatever the government wants to throw down their ignorant pie hole?

    I know that anything that is processed beyond its natural state has something added or taken out of it that makes it something else. And in this case its not just water. Something needs to be added to it to stabilize the "alcohol" so it doesn't evaporate. My question before this is waved through by the likes of ignorant simple minded people who believe the government can do no wrong is this, what are the effects of this beyond the obvious.

    They have created a new drug and all you can do is say, treat it like alcohol. Well its not alcohol.

    Are there corporate interests that will now use this "easier to ship" alcohol substitute to make there beverages? How long till you walk into a bar and see people doing lines of Palcohol off the bar? Sound stupid? Well you better make another law to ban it because it will happen.

    This product fills such a small legitimate hole in the market I have to wonder what the real use of this product is. Who is the intended market? Its not the adult that enjoys the taste of Alcohol.

    I love how you people from outside the area think you are so superior to people that live here. The real difference is we have values and morals were as you clearly have none. So go sit on the mayors lap and wait for Palcohol to be released. I am sure he is all for it. BTW I doubt that it is our representatives pushing this through but more likely the libs from Balt, Montg, PG counties. So shove that up your a$$.

    As an additional option this guy could probably make a lot more money with a lot less push back marketing this for industry or manufacturing than he could for actual human consumption.

  4. 2:11-You are completely right,except for one thing;a lot of folks who are FROM HERE also consider themselves superior.As for me,I'm wondering if some knucklehead will try snorting it.

  5. Government officials concerned about fatty foods then allows this,shows their true colors.

  6. The brick room has this crap.

  7. It would be convenient for back packers. Spice up your tea without having to haul bottles or cans into the wilderness.


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