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Monday, March 30, 2015


Nightscopes, military assault rifles, grenade launchers and 14-ton Mine-Resistance Ambush-Protected vehicles built for taking down terrorist enclaves are becoming part of the toolbox of local police departments under a federal program that ships such equipment out on request and without charge.

The issue came came to national attention when law-enforcement officers in Ferguson, Missouri, outfitted like an invading army, were deployed against violent protesters outraged by the shooting death of black teen Michael Brown by a white police officer.

WND reported there are some 17,000 police departments nationwide equipped with $4.2 billion worth of equipment ranging from Blackhawk helicopters and battering rams to explosives, body armor and night vision.


  1. Society is violent

  2. 7:21 you are an idiot... Certain people of society make others do violent things when they are left with no other choice, aka kinda like the police harassment or brutality... IF the cops and judges and the courts and DA are all in bed together, and the politicians won't do anything for you, where are left to turn or when all of your money is stolen from you via a gun in the face and taxes? what do you do then?

    And what you dumb asses are forgetting because you never remember anything, or research anything, OBAMA BIN LADEN ALREADY SAID HE WAS GOING TO MAKE A CIVILIAN POLICE FORCE GREAT OR GREATER THAN AN ARMY, now I think that is exactly what he is doing by giving what? cops who? a civilian police force military gear...

    You people have a memory of a goldfish...

  3. They also have the analytical powers of an earthworm.
    ALL these things being implemented and most people just shuffle along, eyes down, and happy that their stocks are really doing well.
    They DO NOT want to admit what is right in front of their eyes. They are openly TOLD what is in front of their eyes by the very people DOING IT, and they STILL refuse to see.
    They won't make it two days when TSHTF. They will be what's known as an "easy target".
    Just continue to do what you do best --- mindlessly cheer your own subjugation and demise.
    See ya soon.

  4. What good did all that armor do them in Ferguson? The cops just stood there and watched the neighborhood burn.

  5. 10;53...they aren't planning on using that military gear to stop some black people from burning their own town. Get real.
    It's for making sure "we, the people" don't burn THEIR house to the ground.

  6. Its here folks. Us army Delmar PD division. And the sheriffs of wicomico have their toys hidden well.

  7. And the sheriffs of wicomico have their toys hidden well.

    March 31, 2015 at 1:14 PM

    so do some of us


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