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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

President Obama threatened to shoot Israeli jets

President Obama is alleged to have stopped an Israeli military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets, according to reports to emerge from the Middle East at the weekend

The threat from the U.S. forced Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to abort a planned attack on Iraq, reported Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida.

Netanyahu will be in Washington for an address to Congress on Tuesday aimed squarely at derailing Obama's cherished bid for a diplomatic deal with Tehran.



  1. Muslims will be Muslims.

  2. Stopping one non Christian nation from attacking another non Christian nation? No big deal.

  3. I wish he would have tried. He would have have his a$$ handed back to him in a hurry. Those guys don't mess around. Funny he can threaten to "shoot down" some of our staunchest allies but wants to "break bread" with ISIS and give them jobs. What a suckass president

  4. Obama wants Iran to get Nukes, sooner the better, just not on his watch. Look at in that light.

    He hates our Constitution.

  5. Obama is one of them.

  6. The emperor has no clothes!!

  7. 11:15 - no brains!


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