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Friday, March 27, 2015

Police now say California woman's kidnap report was a hoax

VALLEJO, Calif. (AP) — Investigators in Northern California say they were suspicious from the start of a boyfriend's report of the violent abduction of his girlfriend for an $8,500 ransom, yet had to take it seriously for the two days she was missing.

But on the same day Denise Huskins reappeared 400 miles away in Southern California, police revealed Wednesday that they had no evidence of any kidnapping, and instead believe the entire affair was a hoax concocted by the couple.

"It was such an incredible story, we initially had a hard time believing it," Vallejo police Lt. Kenny Park said of the abduction report from Aaron Quinn. "Upon further investigation we couldn't substantiate any of the things he was saying."

The investigation will now turn to Huskins, 29, and Quinn, 30, to determine whether they did anything illegal, Park said. He would not say whether the two may have had any accomplices.

The day began with what seemed to be a happy ending when Huskins showed up unharmed outside her father's apartment.


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