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Friday, March 20, 2015

Planned Parenthood: 'Sometimes a Person's Sexual Orientation Changes Over Time'

(CNSNews.com) – Planned Parenthood Federation of America tells teens on its website that it “can take a long time” to determine one’s “sexual orientation or gender identity.”

"Sexual orientation describes which gender(s) you're attracted to, sexually and/or romantically," says Planned Parenthood's "All About LGBTQ at a Glance" webpage. "Sometimes a person's sexual orientation changes over time, but people can't choose or decided to change who they're attracted to."



  1. OK. People wake and say I'm gay today!

  2. So is schizophrenia, manic -depressive,depression,and just plain outrage and anger.

    All human choices of mood. Mood swings are elective, even during menstruation.

    You are not a helpless victim unless you elect to be one.

    "Straighten up and fly right!"

  3. Just how much bull$hit can humans accept? Are we to assume that BSDM freaks were "born that way"? Same for pedophiles.

    It continues to amaze me that intelligent(?) residents of Salisbury elected what some people call a "gay" mayor. Is he supposed to be smiling all the time?

  4. And most times, like 95%, it doesn't, and people just live their lives as born, except for the s[milar 5% that have mental illnesses.

    There will always be an invalid/ illness sector of society.

  5. Reminds me of a nurse at PRMC

  6. I wonder if that happened to Ms. Ireton??

  7. But, I wanna be a CAT for a WEEK

  8. so.... it's a CHOICE!

  9. Homosexuality is a perversion and people can give into a perversion at any age if they are insecure in their identity.

  10. Being bisexual doubles the odds of getting a date on Saturday night.


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