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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Photo of children climbing on Vietnam Women’s Memorial goes viral

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A photo that shows children climbing on The Vietnam Women’s Memorial has gone viral.

The nation’s capital has many sites that honor the service and sacrifice made by those who served our country. The Vietnam Women’s Memorial was dedicated to the women of the United States who served in the Vietnam War, most of whom were nurses.

Matthew Munson was visiting the memorial when some parents encouraged their children to climb on the memorial for a picture.



  1. Kids will be kids. They don't know.
    But, someone should have taught the parents a lesson.

  2. There is no understanding or respect for sacrifice anymore!

  3. It's liberals world now and they respect no one.

  4. Obama kids...

    MOMMY and DADDY on Section 8 voted for Obama...

  5. The parents are at fault.

  6. Jump all over MLK.

  7. illegal alien scum.

  8. No discipline...no respect.
    No respect...no sacrifice.
    No sacrifice...no liberty.

    Teach your children well...your liberty will ultimately depend upon their willingness to sacrifice.

  9. They wouldn't have been up there long after I saw it.., I don't give a damn about who's feelings I hurt. But, those kids would have come off there t'were it me walking by.


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