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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Petition: Bring Charges of Treason Against Barack Obama

A fresh petition on the White House’s website is calling for treason charges to be brought against President Obama. The petition, which is quickly gathering signatures, mentions three primary reasons concerning why Obama ought to be charged with treason.

This seemingly comes in response to one started just several days before, calling for 47 Republicans who sent a letter to Iran to be charged with the same. It outlines three principal arguments for the treason charges: conceding war-making powers to foreign matters, refusing to ensure America’s borders and giving support and comfort to the enemy. That attempt has thus far garnered over 260,000 signatures. Turnabout is fair play it’d seem.

Essentially, he attempted changing foreign policy behind President Bush’s back. As Headline Politics reported, President Obama is in fact just as guilty, perhaps more so, of the same act of treason under the very definition used by liberals against his Republican coworkers.

This new petition has just received 16,000 signatures as of this bill, a far cry from the 100,000 that would actually urge the White House to issue a response.



  1. Hillary too..lets roll before its to late..shes already destroying the evidence

  2. This is worth signing.

  3. You have until 4-10-15 to gain the signatures. Here is the thing. This petition has happened five times and had more then enough signatures. It goes away quietly. Imagine that.


  4. Guess who controls the WH website?

    The list of illegal actions by him & his appointees is a mile long but a petition on 'his' website won't have any practical effect about changing things.

  5. Treason is hard to define in a free-speech democracy, and it should be. The founding fathers realized this, so treason is the only crime actually defined in the Constitution. Accordingly, treason is defined as giving aid and comfort to an enemy in a congressionally declared war. As we have not had a congressionaly declared war since Pearl Harbor, this petition is just an angry gesture, nothing more.

    1. He has opened our borders during a congressionally declared war in drugs. My loop hole is better then yours dumbocrat! String Obamas ass up!


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