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Monday, March 30, 2015

Pentagon chief may ease military enlistment standards

WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Ash Carter is considering easing some military enlistment standards as part of a broader set of initiatives to better attract and keep quality service members and civilians across the Defense Department.

While there are few details yet, Carter is exploring whether to adjust some of the requirements for certain military jobs, such as those involving cyber or high-tech expertise.

The idea, which is largely in line with many civilian sectors, upends the military’s more rigid mindset that puts a high value on standards. And it reignites a persistent debate about how the services approve waivers for recruits who have committed lesser crimes, behaved badly, are older than current regulations allow or have other physical issues that prevent them from joining the military.



  1. Hell yeah! Let me back in. To old my ass. I can whoop most men I see!

  2. Yes, the dumber your soldiers are, the more evil you can perpetrate with them! Lower those standards! Woooo- Hoooo!

  3. 7:06 Pm-all part of the master's plan

  4. How about paying the members of the Military what they are worth. That might attract better qualified men. What they make now is pitiful for defending our Country and freedom.


  5. That way they can enroll the OweBama Youth who will be less inclined to support the Constitution and more inclined to follow whatever the edict of the month is.

    Guy with combat experience steps aside; guy who is policy jockey is appointed and suddenly our downsized forces need to lower the standards??

    What's wrong with this picture?

  6. Lowering standards is the norm these days. For schools, marriages, lots of jobs, parenting. Why not the military, too. Dumbass thugs with felonies carrying weapons and representing us is just what we need, America. Wake UP!

  7. Lowering standards is the norm these days. For schools, marriages, lots of jobs, parenting. Why not the military, too. Dumbass thugs with felonies carrying weapons and representing us is just what we need, America. Wake UP!

  8. The military is probably the best place for thugs and other non-productive individuals. They have the opportunity to make something of themselves, learn a skill, get a GED if needed, the ability to respond appropriately to authority, and learn basic job skills such as getting up on time and showing up every day. They can learn to at least act like they have respect for others, and some concept of responsibility.

    It does tend to make positive changes in young men who have had no strong role models.

  9. 11:45pm..And when Sgt. Carter gets in his face and yells at him the recruit takes his military issued rifle and shoots his face off!

  10. But they banned people with tattoo's?

  11. Lowering standards never works out well.


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