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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

One-Millionth Maryland Tax Return Filed Electronically

Comptroller Franchot Urges Residents to E-File as Milestone is Reached

Annapolis, Md. With the tax filing deadline only five weeks away, Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot today announced that his office has already received more than one million electronically-filed tax returns. The one-millionth electronic return was submitted by an Allegany County tax filer.

To date, the Comptroller’s Office has processed 1,100,946 tax returns filed electronically, with more than $1.4 billion in refund payments issued. The Comptroller urges Marylanders to e-file as it’s the most efficient and secure way to file a tax return. Most Marylanders who file electronically receive their refunds within three business days.

“Taxpayers who file electronically may schedule an electronic payment for April 30 and not be considered late,” said Comptroller Franchot. “I would like to encourage everyone who owes money to think about taking advantage of this easy way to hold on to hard-earned dollars a bit longer.”

Comptroller Franchot reminds taxpayers that they have the option to file their Maryland tax returns electronically through the state’s free iFile system which can be accessed online at marylandtaxes.com.

Through expanded public outreach efforts by the Comptroller, the number of electronic returns has steadily increased. Last year, the Comptroller’s Office processed more than 2.4 million returns electronically, up from the 2.3 million received the previous tax year. Electronic filers represented more than 81% of all personal income tax returns filed last year.

For more information on electronic filling please visit www.marylandtaxes.com or call 1-800-MD-TAXES (1-800-638-2937) or 410-260-7980 from Central Maryland.

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