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Saturday, March 07, 2015

Oh My, How Times Have Changed!


  1. "The good ole' days " were the good ole' days for a reason.

  2. What no full body burka? Dam sounds like the Taliban...cant do this, that , who, when or where??? wow be pretty unaccetable today


  3. Whatever the point of this post, and I don't object to it, some perspective on context is warranted.

    Labor conditions were different in all sectors then. Unions were much weaker -- the AFL and CIO had not become powerful, there was no NLRB, and many courts were anti-labor and pro business.

    Also, there were fewer required qualifications to teach.

  4. yea civil rights were not invented yet, apparently

  5. It's a moral clause ,They are still in place in many fields just not those who teach our future.

  6. whose morals ?????? Yours???? mine???? some guy with a gun in Syria????? some preacher with a book bonking his secretary????? a drug addicts?????? two drug addicts???? explain please


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