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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Officer charged with killing unarmed driver laying facedown

A police officer was charged Tuesday with criminal homicide after investigators concluded she shot an unarmed motorist in the back as he lay facedown after a traffic stop over an expired inspection sticker.

Authorities accused Hummelstown police Officer Lisa J. Mearkle of shooting David Kassick, 59, twice February 2 without legal justification. She was jailed without bail.

They said Mearkle had attempted to pull over Kassick for expired inspection and emissions stickers before he sped away. She caught up to Kassick near his sister's home, where he got out and ran.

She had incapacitated him with a stun gun and he was on the ground when she shot him twice in the back, police said.



  1. Old Dude lives matter.

  2. the camera on the stun gun did her in! amazing when there is another way to either prove or disprove the kops story. All officers must be made to wear body cameras and they must work. all kop kars must have working cameras installed. And all complaints or use of force should be overseen by a citizen review boards with real powers to effect change. These kops work for us the average citizen not the politicians and the government!

  3. Congrats on another fine kill officers. Good work. Keep thinning the heard. No worries though, you should be back home in no time. Your little group will find you innocent and you will be back on the streets to continue your rampage so enough.



    1. You scken me officer! All deaths by cop are justified! When will we see the wicomico deputy put away for life for the rights violation and murder of that boy? Few good cops remain. Not a god damn one is here!

  4. Absolutely 9:58! Teaches one not to run from the police.

  5. 10:06 AM Its called fight or flight. And if you had better than a 3rd grade education you would understand that. Running away from a person with a gun intent on killing you is a natural response.

  6. First degree murder, shooting someone in the back (twice) while lying on the ground. No way was the officer in "fear of her life". And , the last time I checked, fleeing from a police officer intent on doing someone harm over an expired sticker, is not grounds for a capital offense and execution. I hope she gets a lengthy sentence.

    And 9:58 AM, it looks like the herd you belong to is getting thinned, as well. One of the thin blue line is going to go and live with the thugs in prison for a longgggg time. Her new boyfriend is named "butch."

  7. Shot in the back. Twice. While laying face down on the ground.
    I've got a suspicion that this one will fall into the "99% of all police murders are found to be justified" bin of history.
    All she has to SAY is "I saw him reach for something.".
    And so many sheep (mostly cops) say "he should have not run!".
    As if "running" from the police wipes out all other considerations and it's "empty the mag" on any citizen who dares not "comply".
    The police have forgotten their place.
    C'mon all you Nazi cheerleaders --- lets hear your reasoning on how this murder was a "good shoot".
    If you can.

    1. I saw a gun. Funny. Our latest death by cop said a gun was involved. Probably planted . only wicomicos finest and the dead boy know. That guy ran from a cop. And was murdered. Here's the kicker. He was minding his own business when a cop decided to interact with him. Regardless of the threat from the day before randomly stopping people is unconstitutional. Why didn't the cops issue a warrant? Or the homeowner file with the commissioner? They had no right to chase him. Let a gand jury decide! Let us the people " his peers" decide. I pray I'm on that jury!

  8. Are the cops still wondering why shots are being fired at them? For some people, it is an act of self defense, when the cops are intent on shooting them. This is just another example of how cops feel justified in shooting unarmed civilians. After reading this, I am starting to feel some empathy for those who are stopped for minor violations and shoot first. If they are armed, they could be saving their own life. This story is an example of what can happen if they are unarmed. A cop being armed gives them no right to use deadly force for fleeing from a minor traffic violation. Cops need to clean up it's own before they get anymore sympathy from me when THEY get shot. The scales of justice has been skewed in the cops favor for too long. They have abused the privilege and it is time for a change. Our police forces have been turned from a serve and protect force, to a militarized force, with civilians as the enemy. I think the war on civilians will get worse before it gets better.

  9. 10:06 AM regarding 9:58 am

    Its really sad when what 9:58 am typed isn't immediately recognized as sarcasm. What a f-ed up world we live in.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Absolutely 9:58! Teaches one not to run from the police.

    March 26, 2015 at 10:06 AM

    and teaches others to shoot kops instead of running from them.

    One lesson well received.


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