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Thursday, March 12, 2015

NY Daily News Blasts GOP Senators Over Iran Letter, Calling Them 'Traitors'

Tuesday's scathing front page accuses Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and their "traitor" GOP colleagues of trying to "sabotage" President Barack Obama's nuclear talks with Iran. In a bizarre move on Monday, Cotton and 46 other Republican senators ignored protocol and sent an open letter to Iran's leaders, warning that whatever agreement reached with Obama would not be bound by the constitution.

Biden punched back with a stern statement condemning the insubordinate move, saying "the decision to undercut our President and circumvent our constitutional system offends me as a matter of principle."



  1. Well, Mr. Biden, Obama's decision to undercut our Congress and circumvent our constitutional system offends me as a matter of principle.

    You and your buddy Barack will just have to put up with it.


    U. S. Citizens

  2. Joe Biden offended me when I read his response to the letter. Obama offends me when he thinks he can just get his "executive pen" out and approve whatever HE wants. We are not ruled by a dictator in this country. I know that him and dumbass Biden would like to think so, but that is not the case. Iran needed to be reminded that Obama does not speak for all of the American people. He most especially does not speak for me as I am totally against his deal with Iran, another one of these deals that we have to pass to even read.

    Sound familiar. Kind of like Obamacare. We have to pass it to see what is in it. But the 46 who wrote the letter just wanted to remind Iran that we do have several legislative bodies in our country who are supposed to be in on these "deals." Maybe they weren't in on it because they didn't want to pass it. Maybe Obama knew they wouldn't pass it.

    I do not believe it should be passed and I know a lot of other people who feel the same way. If Iran were to get nuclear weapons the first country they would use them on is Israel and the second country they would use them on is the United States. Heck, they are already "mock" blowing up our ships. What does that say to Obama. Oh, just kidding.

    I applaud the 46 Republicans who wrote that open letter. I wish I could say the same about more of our leaders.

  3. If BO is going to subvert congress and the constitution why shouldn't congress do the same to him. Tit for tat BO.

  4. the traitors are in the white house

  5. Dems have undermined presidents and personally visited foreign leaders doing the same. Now that the shoe's on the other foot they cry foul.

  6. The only traitors are Obama, Biden, Pelosi., Reed, etc. At least the Republicans have the courage to right the many wrongs of a corrupt administration. Our own nigerian king has done more to hurt the safety of this country than any leader n history.

  7. There is a petion on the white house page that has been set up to ask Obama to charge 47 over this. Over 250k have signed. We need to start our own to have obama arrested.


  8. The Senators were acting within their rights as members of the Legislative Branch. In addition, they were spot-on correct.

    Anything OweBama signs that is not a bill passed by both houses is subject to being undone, reversed or eliminated by any subsequent president's signature. That's a fact.

    OweBama is desperate for any kind of deal with Iran, no matter how bad it is for the US or Israel or other countries in the region.

    Iran took it upon themselves to declare their animosity to the US in 1979; it has maintained that posture ever since. At that time OweBama was leader of his weed smoking Choom Gang; his thinking is as foggy now as it was then.


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