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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

NRP Press Release 3-17-15

Three Tilghman Island watermen were charged Wednesday with multiple violations of oyster regulations by Maryland Natural Resources Police officers.

Kevin Steven Tarleton Sr., 45, Steven Kevin Tarleton, 21, and Kevin Steven Tarleton Jr., 22, received citations for using illegal harvesting equipment in Broad Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River. Officers observed them on Feb. 27 using a hand scrape in an area designated for hand tonging. The maximum penalty is a $1,000 fine and/or one year in jail.

In addition, Kevin Tarleton Sr. and Steven Tarleton were charged with two counts each of failing to record required information on their oyster tags. If convicted of both offenses, the men could be fined as much as $2,000 each and face jail time of up to two years.

Kevin Tarleton Sr. also was charged with having more than one type of harvesting gear onboard with the oysters, an offense that requires him to make a court appearance rather than offer a plea and pay a pre-set fine.

All three men are scheduled to appear in Talbot District Court on April 16.


  1. Huh? This is my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl.......

  2. Its time to start taking their equipment from them. This has to be stopped somehow.

  3. Freakin poachers ought to be locked up!

  4. Ain't as much fun if u ain't breaking the law.

  5. That's an ugly decal!!

  6. Leave them alone! Hardworking Men!

  7. It is just like baiting ducks. You get caught , you pay the fine


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