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Sunday, March 29, 2015

News Flash

SBYNews is getting reports that 5 Pocomoke City Police cars were patrolling the town of Snow Hill last night. It is our understanding that these officers have been ordered to leave their jurisdiction by the Chief of Police, Kelvin Sewell, and aggressively patrol a town 15 miles outside of their jurisdiction. This is too bizarre to believe, but multiple reports cannot be denied.

Somebody has some explaining to do as the the citizens of Pocomoke City have been left unprotected while the Chief of Police has lost his marbles!

You won't see this reported anywhere else. We will stay on top of it and report what we find out. Stay tuned.


  1. Every time I go through Snow Hill I see umpteen police vehicles from multiple agencies.That town appears to be a juncture for Snow Hill Police,MSP,and the Worcester County Sheriffs Dept.To need additional coverage for an already saturated town is a mystery,unless they were requested to go there.

    1. Bc there is a court house there fool.

  2. Citizens of pocomoke were certainly NOT left unprotected last night....there was an over abundance of police (sheriff) presence.

  3. Makes you wonder how Delaware gets along with just the State Police nearly everywhere.

  4. The county court is there also...

  5. Pocomoke was okay. The sheriffs office had a heavy presence in town last night!

  6. Could be some type of meeting or training class

  7. Somebody has some explaining to do?
    Get agrip on reality please

  8. Why is it so "bizarre?" Snow Hill has a festival today that took days of preparation. It certainly isn't one bit unusual or out of the ordinary for smaller PD's to request the help of neighboring PD's when an event such as this is planned.

  9. And FYI Chief Kelvin Sewell is the best chief around. Pocomoke got a treasure when they picked him.

  10. Multiple agencies are in Snow Hill regardless of the time of day or night.Does the courthouse have normal business hours or do they have a night shift?

  11. 12:15,spot on.A lot of tax dollars paying for a huge police force in Wicomico Co.

  12. Festival? Requested police manpower that was probably familiarizing themselves with the area for a better response time. God knows they need it. Snow hill is a hole!

  13. When I saw them in town it was after all the courts were closed down...late evening on a Friday...just driving around...no training.

    I did not know Pocomoke had so much money they could police Snow Hill for free.

    As for Sewell...pull your head out...he's a Baltimore city idiot.

    1. Your opinion, but not the majority of Pocomoke residents think like you. In fact the one who don't like Chief Sewell are the common criminal types.

  14. They are in court. Again a pathetic attempt to create a story when there is none.

  15. 11:42 a Baltimore city idiot is called a BALTIMORON

  16. 10:28
    Does that make you a Delmoron?

  17. I can personally confirm that this was indeed true as on my way home from work a Pocomoke City police car was parked on West Market Street in Snow Hill shooting radar. I found it odd at the time especially considering that the town of Snow Hill doesn't usually have their own cars out there and leave that area to the Worcester County Sheriff's office to patrol.


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