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Monday, March 09, 2015

Mob in India breaks into jail, lynches rape suspect

A mob of several thousand people broke into a high-security prison in India, dragged out a rape suspect and killed him, officials said on Friday, adding that police had to impose a curfew to restore order.

Rape has been a particularly emotive crime in India since 2012, when a student was raped and tortured on a bus in New Delhi and later died. The government has banned a documentary about that attack, re-igniting debate about gender inequality.

The mob attacked the prison late on Thursday in the northeastern state of Nagaland.

The man, a 35-year-old Muslim businessman accused of raping a woman, was dragged out and hauled naked through the streets and beaten to death.

"Security personnel at the jail were overpowered by the mob," said the state's chief minister, T.R.Zeliang.

One person was killed and several injured when police fired on the mob.



  1. This can be easy to do at Wicomico detention center too.

  2. Oh, gosh, too bad.

  3. They should have sodomized him before they beat him to death.


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