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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Look familiar? SPD wants to re-unite these bikes w/their legal owner.


  1. Theres another one chained to a sign post just past Royal Farm Store on SO.Div. St. Been there for 60 days now.

  2. Your serious here aren't you? All the crime and Shoplifting lol and now this! I can't believe you put it up Joe. But then again we need to see where SPD's priorities are at.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Your serious here aren't you? All the crime and Shoplifting lol and now this! I can't believe you put it up Joe. But then again we need to see where SPD's priorities are at.

    March 31, 2015 at 5:48 PM

    Yes this is sad! Crime has gone through the roof and they want to give bicycles away. Just like shoplifting this is a major distraction of the real problem. Crime is real folks, it is real. Jim Ireton and Jake Day are doing their best to hide it.

  4. Soooo, returning people's property isn't important? Maybe that bike is their only transportation, other than walking, then someone came & stole it. It has been quite the problem here & in OC.


  5. Now I know why the bike lanes seem so empty...most bikes are with SPD or on display at the GOB. Good to know!


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