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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Letter to the Editor - March 3rd County County Council Meeting - Capital Improvements Budget

I would be the first to admit that I've been a little remiss in writing some personal opinions about the political events occurring in our county lately.  At the last County Council meeting, Mrs. Elmore's presentation reawakened my drive to search for facts that I'd like to present to the taxpayers in my own opinions. In this manner I hope to encourage people to do some research on their own to find the facts and not just listen to the  misinformation and outright lies  put out by local media.  So Mrs Elmore, thank You.

The first remarks that I would like to comment on is Mrs. Elmore's presentation itself. It appeared that she was trying to present some information that she felt would stop the people's new County Executive from investigating a way to save the taxpayers money by re-purposing all or a portion of the old Bennett  Middle School . While it appears that the information was not pertinent to the facts she was trying to convince us about, as pointed out later by the County Attorney, her effort did encourage me to look into other areas. Since everyone was trying to convince Bob Culver he couldn't do what he wanted to investigate because this money is bond money we are talking about, I decided to look into the bond Language itself. Now if  you've never read the language of one of these bond bills I suggest you get a cup of coffee, some writing paper and find a quiet spot. 

On page 15 I found something interesting and I would like to know how others would interpret what's written. It's really not hard to get to on the computer. Go to Wicomico County Government, hit Transparency Portal, then Bond Sale Official Statements, finally hit 2013 Bond Sale OS and you will get the $12,500,000 Wicomico County General Obligation Bond. 

It states that " any surplus funds not expended at the completion of all projects listed in the enabling legislation must be credited to the capital program for the fiscal year next succeeding the year in which the surplus is ascertained or used for payment of debt service''.

So how could this benefit the entire county? Well it seems to me that since no contract has been specifically signed for the demolition of the buildings that the CIP can be signed with a hold on the demolition until a feasibility study is completed to investigate the County Executive's Re-purposing Project. The funding is still in the project. There is no rule that says that money has to be used in three years or loose it and the taxpayers could benefit tremendously if Mr. Culver's ideas are feasible
 So what is the down side of giving time to check out Mr. Culver's plan? The down side is that the School Board, Mr. Federicksen and Mr. Foret will not get exactly what THEY want exactly WHEN they want it.  As Greg Bassett's protege, Kim Hudson, would say," Ever experienced deja vu?", meaning experiencing something that we've seen before. Well here it is again. These people don't get exactly what they want and it's "Dog and Pony" time again and that Mrs.Hudson is exactly what is causing that divide or rift you have been talking about. At the last election the voters made it perfectly clear that they were tired of how this county is being operated and run by special interests. The voters want change and voted in Mr. Culver to think outside the box but the BOE simply refuses to change the way it does business.  I want to caution you that when the voters get behind a cause that they can make changes. 

For instance, BOE borrowing is placing the county in jeopardy of meeting other critical services for the entire county and that BOE borrowing should be limited to X percent of the county's borrowing power. 

Voters could petition to do what Delaware does and let the voters vote on CIP projects for the BOE

And there are more initiatives then those I just mentioned.There is one initiative that I could suggest that you wouldn't believe was coming from me but for now I'm not going to mention it. The BOE has got to recognize that they are not the only entity in this county. Without improving the economic conditions of the ENTIRE county we're on a steady downhill slide.No jobs no kids. Mr. Culver is at least trying which is more than I can say for a great number of people at that council meeting.
I would like to comment on just one other item that stood out at that meeting. When Mr. Culver was asking for time to check this re-purposing idea out there were those of you on the council saying "the horse was already out of the barn", "we need to pick our fights", " it would have been nice if you could have present more of a plan when you come here". I want to remind each of you that when you were campaigning for your seat that all I heard was how you were going to get jobs back and improve the economy. Well, you've been in there almost as long as Mr. Culver so where's your plans? How many jobs and businesses have you brought to the county so far? So how about stop throwing out obstacles and telling Mr. Culver what he can't do. That's the old way of doing things. Think outside the box. Tell us what you can do. You are going to need time and the voters, including myself are willing to give you that time. Now how about giving that time to Mr. Culver. That's all he is asking for. Again Mrs.Elmore thank you.

 John Palmer, Delmar, Md.



  2. Voters could petition to do what Delaware does and let the voters vote on CIP projects for the BOE.

    I like that idea, but is it legal. If it is then we need to move on it.

  3. Mr. Culver is on the right track and I totally support him in this effort.

    If this money for a new school was coming out of the special interests pocketbook, I am certain they (BOE) would be screaming bloody murder! Mr. Culver is INVESTIGATING other possibilities in an attempt to save the county money. What a stellar idea! Actually saving money instead of more wasteful spending at the expense of the taxpayers.

    While Ms. Elmore and Ms. Hudson gets up every year in meetings with the same old tired speeches they use, it is sickening to me. If these are examples of educators no wonder we are in the shape we are in. What happened to teaching outside the box? What happened to exploring options? What happened to listening and hearing others points of view and compromise? If this is how they teach/taught our kids no wonder the kids learning is stunted! These people only want one thing and that's their way because it paves the way for them to get more money in their pockets.

    The BOE administration is a clear example of my way or I'll hold your kids hostage by moving all over the county to go to school. This behavior is so very typical of Freddy the Freeloader!
    These people all of which are special interests only want their way and refuse to be flexible and seek other options.

    Teachers' jobs are to teach not administrate, not give pep rallies to stir up trouble, and not boycott the county executive. Everyone would benefit, if teachers stayed in the classroom and taught nor more and no less.

  4. Kim Hudson is obviously a problem. Does anyone know if she really is a Republican. The public should know that she circumvented the established system of going through the local Central Committee for consideration of a governors appointment to the Board of Education.

  5. I talked to Mr. Baker about Ms. Elmore's comments. He said she was way off base. With all due respect Ms. Elmore you are supposed to be a conservative Republican and if you really do care about the children then quit meddling in business that is not your forte. Go back to being a school teacher and quit pretending you have earned your Juris Doctorate. You may have a doctorate in some field of education, but you are not an expert in law or the function of running a county or allocating county funding.

    You members of the Board of Education have become a disgrace to the citizens of our once great county.

  6. AMEN TO 1:37 and 1:31!!!!!

  7. I am a fiscal conservative but Mr. Palmer has always been interested in strangling county government and county services to the degree they just barely function at a level that serves him.

    I was at an early VOICE meeting years ago. Mr. Palmer was part of the leadership. A retired senior, who was a strong VOICE supporter, stood and complained about the poor conditions of the road he lived on. You could have heard a pin drop in that room.

    The VOICE leadership did not acknowledge or comment on anything he said.He eventually sat down and the leadership went back to their own interest in reducing their taxes and getting the rest of Wicomico voters to support the idea.

    The voters did support keeping taxes low and strangling the county.

    A fiscal conservative teacher I had in high school once said, "Who is going to vote against Santa Claus?" Who indeed.

  8. Culver must have got a look at the asbestos sample results. Not good.

  9. Anon 1:58 Right on!

  10. Kim Hudson is being scripted by Mike Dunn. The "us vs. them" mentality has been created by the BOE not Culver and those who disagree with the BOE. The BOE and the people who support them at Council meetings and writing letters to the Editors (Gains Hawkins) use emotional, inflammatory speech to paint those who are trying to use a different approach as "anti-education". Trying to maintain existing schools rather than mortgaging our future to build one new school after another doesn't mean anyone is "anti-education". It means they are exercising fiscal responsibility.

    If the BOE and their supporters listened rather than ranted, they would know that Culver would like to see more funds go into the CLASSROOM. That doesn't sound like anti-education to me. It sounds like someone who is pro-education.


  11. To 1:58 Poster -

    IMHO - people with attitudes like yours is what is going to break this County. All through the recession, the school teachers have fared much better than any of the other sectors. In fact, our County residents incomes have declined while the BOE employees have experienced incremental raises. So your pail doesn't hold water. In fact, I quite certain you are a public school teacher by the tone of your message.

  12. Responding to 4:04 Poster

    I agree. And no matter how much one gives to the BOE it is never enough. They are always 'poor mouthing'. Remember when Wicomico had windfall revenues. The BOE was still complaining. Their slogan;

    'I want more, give me more, the kids deserve more.'

    My response: Hell - I want more to. But I don't see anyone doling out money to me.

    I truly believe our BOE is the problem. Fact is, one can make a valid argument that it is the educational establishment itself that has driven out many of our key industries. Taxes. taxes. and more taxes is the school teachers rant.

  13. 5:05 and don't forget the mantra
    "it's for the kids" like they are the only people who care about kids and if you oppose them, you're the problem! How about teaching kids to take care of property - that not everything in life is disposable if it gets worn? How about teaching pride in your surroundings? How about teaching living within your means instead of on borrowed money? How about teaching fiscal responsibility? All I see being taught is whining, gimme gimme and you are the bad guy if I don't get what I want. SMH!

  14. A list of the central office positions created in the past six years should give an idea of where lots of money is going. Also, a list of positions that have been "upgraded" with a salary increase would be enlightening.


  16. I traverse into Delaware each day. I can tell you first hand that the public referendums required on school construction - very rarely get passed. When the idea is brought to the citizens - in almost every case - the citizens vote the new schools down. Once the taxpayers see the projected tax increases - they always opt out on the option to build new schools. That's part of the allure of Delaware. The don't call it the Diamond State for nothing.

  17. Nothing but a dog & pony show. The BOE always does this hoping that they can appeal to our CC's based on emotions.
    At end of day, my hope is that calmer intellect will prevail and our elected officials will try and live within our means. The only real solution is to cut the BOE budget - not increase it.


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