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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Let’s Stop Living In Fairy Land: “This Is Training To Condition The Public To Accept Military On The Streets”

The United States military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies are planning a two-months long exercise later this year

The United States military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies are planning a two-months long exercise later this year. The government claims this is an effort to protect the American people, but Alex Jones has a different take.

In the following video Jones provides extensive documentation sourced over the last twenty years. The evidence is clear… and frightening.

The exercises taking place this summer in states like Texas, Utah and California are designed not for the protection of Americans, but rather, the intimidation of an entire nation. Members of the military and law enforcement are being desensitized to deployments on U.S. soil and the public is being conditioned to accept soldiers on every street corner as normal.



  1. Everyone should watch this video. They put it all in our faces, you just have to know where to look, because you won't get the real story from mainstream controlled media.

  2. That is why I claim, and my claims are valid, that the american people are so damn stupid, they can't even see the stuff in their face... Then without any proof or evidence, they run their mouths and resort to name calling all because they fail to realize that there are people on this earth who wish to do other people harm for the sake of money or for the sake of just because...

    I keep telling them all this stuff and they call me a tin foil hat man, yet I have been 100% unequivocally right on everything I said, and everything I said has come to Fluition...

    They watched the video of the dog getting his leg cut off and then tossed in a storm runoff system and being rescued, and every damn one of them commented on to the tune of saying "I wish it was legal to do the same to the person who did this to the dogs" or "I wish I could beat the shit out of the man who did this" blah blah blah crap and yet they know people are out here hurting animals and other people but can not put the two together... That is real stupidity because they get all mad over a dog yet they don't get mad over their own lives or friends or family's lives being ruined or their rights or money being taken away...

  3. It is conditioning. Pure and simple.
    Keep cheering.

  4. People on the shore will be the first ones on the trains to their 'summer camps'.

    They believe everything their gov't tells them.


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